Decision details

Community contracts to support early intervention and prevention in Adult Social Care (ASC)

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The report asks approval to tender for 2 new services:
a) Advice and Information Service
b) Supporting Independence Service
The tender process request is made to provide a prevention offer to be delivered to support Adult Social Care for individuals who need some additional support to remain in their own homes. Local authorities have a duty to prevent, reduce or delay needs for care and support (Care Act 2014 s2) for all adults including carers; this means early intervention to prevent deterioration and reduce dependency on support from others.
The Executive will be asked to
Recommendation: to approve the approach to commission, through a competitive tendered process, the following two services for a period of 3 plus 2 years:
c) Advice and Information Service
d) Supporting Independence Service
Reason: The option proposed will comply with CYC’s Contract Procedure Rules in terms of completing an open, fair, and transparent process as the market has not been approached since 2017. The procurement procedure is subject to the Light Touch Regime under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and will be completed as an Open Procurement Procedure.
Reason: The provision of the Advice & Information and Supporting Independence Services ensures the Council meets the statutory duty under the Care Act 2014 through prevention and delay.




                         i.         To approve the approach to commission, through a competitive tendered process, the following two services for a period of 3 plus 2 years:

a)      Advice and Information Service (value £100,000 per annum)

b)      Supporting Independence Service (value £127,000 per annum)


Reason:     The option proposed will comply with CYC’s Contract Procedure Rules in terms of completing an open, fair, and transparent process as the market has not been approached since 2017.  The procurement procedure is subject to the Light Touch Regime under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and will be completed as an Open Procurement Procedure.


The provision of the Advice & Information and Supporting Independence Services ensures the Council meets the statutory duty under the Care Act 2014 through prevention and delay.


                        ii.         To delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Adult Services and Integration (“DASS”), in consultation with the Head of Procurement and the Director of Governance to take such steps as are necessary to procure, award and enter into the resulting contracts.


Reason:     This will enable the Contract Award to be implemented within the Procurement timescales.

Report author: Katie Brown

Publication date: 11/10/2024

Date of decision: 10/10/2024

Decided at meeting: 10/10/2024 - Executive

Effective from: 18/10/2024

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