Decision details

Medium Term Financial Strategy Update

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of Report: To provide an update to the Medium Term Financial Strategy along with an outline of the 2025/26 budget process. The report also informs Executive of the key risks and challenges, along with an overview of the main assumptions used.


The Executive will be asked to: Agree the updated Medium Term Financial Strategy.




                         i.         Agreed the Medium-Term Financial Strategy as outlined in this report.


Reason:     To ensure the Council meets future financial challenges and produces a robust budget.

Report author: Debbie Mitchell

Publication date: 13/09/2024

Date of decision: 12/09/2024

Decided at meeting: 12/09/2024 - Executive

Effective from: 20/09/2024

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