Decision details

To increase the value of Food and Fuel vouchers issued to residents under the council scheme. This decision supersedes the decision taken on 20/6/2023, which was not implemented

Decision Maker: Chief Finance Officer

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Food and Fuel voucher scheme has been in operation since the first Household Support Fund scheme (Oct 21 – March 22). Despite high inflation over the last 18 months the value of the vouchers has not increased nor the number that any one customer can claim. This decision is to increase the vouchers as set out in the table below:


Standard Award Amounts Current Amount Proposed Amount
Single person household £30 £60
Two or more-person household £60 £100
Six people or more household £100 £150


Standard award amounts Current amount Proposed amount
Single person household £28 £56
Two or more-person household £49 £98

Options Considered:

Leaving the vouchers at current value and increasing the numbers awarded from a maximum of 3.

Options Rejected:

Increasing the number that a customer can have in a financial year. This is not efficient in terms of capacity to manage a higher volume of claims across the council and its third sector partners.

Publication date: 12/07/2023

Date of decision: 12/07/2023

Accompanying Documents:


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