Decision details
York 2032: The 10-Year Plan
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision status: Decision Made
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Purpose of Report:
1. The country is experiencing significant change. Now, more than ever, we need to work together across the city to consider how best to enhance our way of life, adapting to regional opportunities, learning and building on our response to the pandemic whilst mitigating the ongoing effects of Climate Change to achieve net zero carbon by 2030.
2. The council has co-designed the 10 year plan with city partners which has been informed by the ambitions articulated in the 10 Year Strategies, together with the resident engagement process that informed them, both considered by Executive in November.
3. The 10 year plan is part of the strategy and policy framework that Executive will be invited to consider before making recommendations to Council.
Executive will be invited to adopt the 10 year Strategy and Policy Framework which is comprised of the 10 year plan, Climate Change Strategy 2022-2032, Economic Strategy 2022-2032 and Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022-2032, making recommendations to Council to approve it for adoption on behalf of the city. The report will be tabled at Full Council on the 15 December 2022.
It has not been possible to give 28 clear days’ notice of the intention to make this Key Decision. The reason why compliance has not been possible in this instance is that the 10 year plan has been co-designed with partners and is now at the stage when it can now be shared with Executive prior to Full Council. As part of the constitution, Council are required to take on board the recommendations of Executive when considering the 10 year Plan and therefore it will need to be first considered by Executive. Dates for Executive in December have only just been finalised, which has led to the 10 year Plan being considered in December. February’s Council is Budget Council and then we are likely to be in the pre-election period.
Recommended: That Council approve and adopt the York 2032: 10-Year Plan on behalf of the city.
Reason: To engage partners, city leaders, businesses, stakeholders and residents to work together on key agreed priority areas and actions that aim to actively improve the quality of life for all York’s residents.
Report author: Claire Foale
Publication date: 15/12/2022
Date of decision: 15/12/2022
Decided at meeting: 15/12/2022 - Executive
Effective from: 20/12/2022
Accompanying Documents: