Decision details

City of York Council Recovery and Renewal Strategy - April Update

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of Report: to provide an update on activities in response to the Covid-19 and the work to support recovery and renewal. This follows previous Executive decisions to approve the Recovery and Renewal Plan, which frames the Council's recovery activities for the year.


The Executive are asked to note the report.


Resolved:  (i)      That the contents of the report be noted.


(ii)      That the approach to resident engagement outlined in Annexes 1a, 1b and 1c of the report be approved.


(iii)     That approval be given to trial the collection of bagged commercial waste on a Sunday within the city centre, as outlined in paragraph 20.


(iv)    That authority be delegated to the Corporate Director of Economy & Place, in consultation with relevant Executive Members, to select projects for submission to the Levelling Up Fund and that an update on submissions be presented to the Executive meeting in July, as outlined in Annex 2.


(v)     That a York UK Community Renewal Fund call for proposals, as set out in Annex 3, be approved.


(vi)    That the final decisions on the selection of a York UK Community Renewal Fund priority list for submission to government be delegated to the Executive Member for Economy & Strategic Planning, in consultation with the Executive Member for Culture, Leisure & Communities.


Reason:     To support the re-opening of the city, promote a clean and tidy city centre, and enable York to benefit from government funding to support regeneration, economic development and infrastructure across the UK.

Report author: Will Boardman

Publication date: 23/04/2021

Date of decision: 22/04/2021

Decided at meeting: 22/04/2021 - Executive

Effective from: 27/04/2021

Accompanying Documents:


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