Decision details
Sheltered with Extra Care: Service Charge
Decision Maker: Decision Session - Executive Member for Housing and Safer Neighbourhoods
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Purpose of Report: The sheltered with extra-care housing at Glen
Lodge is being extended to provide to provide accommodation and
associated management and support services for those with high care
needs and/or a diagnosis of dementia. The service charge model
needs to be updated in order to ensure that the model is
sustainable for the future, and that customers are charged fairly
for their accommodation and associated management/support.
The Executive Member will be asked to: Approve the proposed
charging model.
Resolved: That;
i. The revised charge be applied to all new lettings from 1st September, including current tenants who choose to transfer to a different property in Glen Lodge.
ii. Existing tenants be consulted on a new service charge in line with the annual rent increase in April 2018. Tenants who are directly financially affected and may experience hardship will have this mitigated, so that their service charge will increase by £8 to the weekly service charge each year until they are paying the full rate.
iii. The final staffing model for intensive housing management be phased in line with the changing demographics of tenants.
i. This approach will ensure the council are able to charge for the cost of services as properties are re-let and ensure that the service model is both equitable and financially sustainable for the future. Current tenants who do not qualify for Housing Benefit will be directly affected by the increase in charge, however phasing this from the rent increase in over a period of around 10 years from April 2018 will allow customers sufficient time to prepare for the increase, and reduce or eliminate the risk of financial hardship or distress. The Intensive Housing Management staffing in Glen Lodge will be increased in line with the increase in customer need as properties are re-let to customers with a higher level of need.
ii. Harmonising the service charge and staffing levels at the same rate allow the staffing to be increased at a pace to ensure customers are appropriately supported, without incurring a financial deficit to the council.
Report author: Louise Waltham
Publication date: 14/08/2017
Date of decision: 14/08/2017
Decided at meeting: 14/08/2017 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Housing and Safer Neighbourhoods
Effective from: 17/08/2017
Accompanying Documents: