Decision details

Update on the Provision of Subsidised Bus Services

Decision Maker: Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired, Cabinet Member for Transport, Planning and Sustainability

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of the report is to provide an analysis of a number of bus services across the city which have either been procured by the Council on an 'emergency' basis or which require re-tendering as their existing contracts are due to expire. The report will also consider a number of petitions received by the Council following the implementation of signficant bus service changes by the First York bus company in October 2012.

Cabinet Member will be asked to consider the value for money and scope of services currently being funded by the Council and will be asked to approve the services identified for procurement in early 2013. The Cabinet Member will also be requested to consider the possible course of action to be taken by the Council in response to petitions received following First York's bus service changes.


RESOLVED:       (i)      That the Cabinet Member agreed to:


(ii)      Support the re-tendering of services on routes 21 and 35 and, subject to the resulting tenders being within budgetary constraints, agree to the award of contracts for these routes.


(iii)     Note the comments made by the registered speakers in relation to routes 5 and 13 and asked officers to make representations to First York, particularly in relation to the reported cutting short of routes.


(iv)     Support the re-tendering for replacement services on revised routes 24/26/627/637 and to provide a Monday to Saturday hourly daytime service to the South Bank area of York. Subject to the resulting tenders being within budgetary constraints, agree to the award of contracts for these routes. The Cabinet Member also asked that a plan be in place to solve the issues surrounding the route 15 should Council funding not be available.


(v)      Support the withdrawal of Council subsidy for services on route 14 due to poor usage.


(vi)     Work with First Group to deliver reliability improvements across their network of services.


(vii)    To work with First Group, Yorkshire Coastliner and the other York bus operators to increase the number of people using local bus services, to improve the commercial viability of bus services and to meet the Council’s wider transport policy objectives.


(viii)   To consult with the general public on the recommendations listed above, both online and at a public meeting.


REASON:                     This course of action will allow the Council to continue to work towards its stated aim of delivering a significant improvement to the bus network whilst at the same time ensuring that resources are spent in line with the Council’s stated criteria.




Report author: Andrew Bradley

Publication date: 15/01/2013

Date of decision: 15/01/2013

Decided at meeting: 15/01/2013 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired

Effective from: 18/01/2013

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