Decision details

Under-Occupation Incentive Scheme

Decision Maker: Executive Leader (incorporating Housing & Safer Neighbourhoods))

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of Report: is to advise on potential scheme to incentivise and help customers under-occupying to downsize.

The Cabinet Member is asked to approve the recommendation.
The reason this report has slipped to a December decision is to ensure options arising out of the Housing Week is fully considered in the final proposals.


RESOLVED:                That the Cabinet Member approved Option C to introduce a flexible scheme which can receive referral and deliver targeted and tailored packages (up to a set financial limit) to individuals and families dependent on their circumstances and preferences.


REASON:                     To provide a targeted and sensitive service with practical help and financial support for customers where needed. It also help the service make best use of it’s stock



Publication date: 28/12/2012

Date of decision: 28/12/2012

Effective from: 03/01/2013

Accompanying Documents:


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