Decision details

Annual Highway Maintenance Report

Decision Maker: Decision Session - Cabinet Member for Environmental Services, Planning and Sustainability, Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Health

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of Report: This report outlines the performance of Highway Maintenance Services throughout 2011-2012. It also proposes a programme of highway works for 2012-2013. The Cabinet Member is asked to take note of the performance/outcomes of 2011-2012 and approve the list of proposed highway works for 2012-2013.


RESOLVED:                That the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhood Services:


(i)           Noted the review of 2011/12 and proposals for 2012/13.


(ii)          Approved the allocation of budgets for 2012/13.


(iii)        Approved the implementation of the proposed programme.


(iv)        Approved the provisional list of schemes for 2013/14 with the ability to advance any works in conjunction with other Council projects.


(v)         Noted the comments made at the meeting by Councillor Warters.



REASON:                     To ensure delivery of highway maintenance services in an efficient and cost effective manner.



Report author: Andy Binner

Publication date: 21/03/2012

Date of decision: 20/03/2012

Decided at meeting: 20/03/2012 - Decision Session - Cabinet Member for Environmental Services, Planning and Sustainability

Effective from: 23/03/2012

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