Decision details

14 New Lane: Proposal to incorporate the land back into West Bank Park, Acomb

Decision Maker: Decision Session - Executive Member for Finance, Performance, Major Projects, Human Rights, Equality and Inclusion

Decision status: Decision Made (subject to call-in)

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Purpose of Report: 14 New Lane was until the 1980’s the West Bank Park parkkeepers’ accommodation. In the early 1990’s the current boundary fence was erected reinforcing its separation from rest of park.

During the 1990s and 2000’s it was used by Housing Association tenants. After which the property was unoccupied until 2016 when a major fire seriously damaged the building resulting in its partial demolition.

Following the fire, a payment was received from the council insurers which has been used to fund site safety and clearance.
Demolition should be completed later this summer.

The report will seek approval to incorporate the land upon which 14 New Lane stood into West Bank Park following final site clearance and allocate any remaining insurance budget to projects within West Bank Park such as improving the toilets, creating a fully accessible toilet, and/or improving play equipment.

The Executive Member will be asked to:


i.       Incorporate the land upon which 14 New Lane stood into West Bank Park.

ii.      Allocate any remaining insurance budgets to projects within West Bank Park.


Executive Members for Finance, Performance, Major Projects, Human Rights, Equality and Inclusion in consultation with Executive Members for Environment and Climate Emergency will make the decision.


The original action date for this item was 21 November 2024. This item has been deferred to 12 December 2024 in order to allow more time for consultation.


This item has been deferred to 16 January 2025 in order to allow more time for consultation.



1.           That approval be given not to rebuild 14 New Lane as park keeper accommodation.


Reason:     Changes in employment and management practices for parks no longer required Council employees to live on the premises.


2.           That approval be given to the removal the security fence surrounding 14 New Lane and make accessible to the rest of West Bank Park.


Reason:     To reconnect 14 New Lane with the wider Park, in so doing increasing the amount of green space available to the residents of Holgate and surrounding areas.


3.           That approval be given to allocate the remaining funds from the 14 New Lane insurance payment to future projects within West Bank Park.


Reason:     To fund investment into the park without calling on Council resources.


Report author: Dave Meigh

Publication date: 16/01/2025

Date of decision: 16/01/2025

Decided at meeting: 16/01/2025 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Finance, Performance, Major Projects, Human Rights, Equality and Inclusion

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