Decision details

Local Bus Service Updates

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


A summary will be provided of the recent York Bus Network Review, undertaken by consultants Momentum. The results of the report will be used for long-term planning but have also informed some immediate proposals to amend the supported bus network. The results of a consultation on these shorter-term proposals will be presented in the report, alongside a series of recommendations for service changes to be implemented in 2024. In association with this, approval will be sought to extend some existing short-term bus arrangements to 2nd June 2024.

The second key aspect of the report will be to provide an update on progress with the York Bus Service Improvement Plan (“BSIP”). This will include an overview of the funding position for council supported bus services, including details of an additional £1.15m of BSIP funding awarded by the Department of Transport (“DfT”) to City of York Council for 2024/25.

The final component of the report will be to provide details of York’s latest bid to the DfT for Zero Emission Bus Regional Areas (“ZEBRA2”) scheme, with the outcome expected in March 2024.

The Executive will be asked:
To make decisions in relation to supported bus services.
To note the update and additional BSIP Funding and update on
Zebra funding.




Bus Network Review

                         i.         Noted the York Bus Network Review findings and report produced by Momentum;

                        ii.         Approved the procurement of short-term bridging extensions to existing subsidised bus contracts for services 1, 4, 6, 10/10A, extending them from 28th April to 2nd June 2024;

                      iii.         Approved a short-term contract for the weekday bus service 13 for until 2nd June 2024;

                      iv.         Approved an extension to the short-term contract for the weekday bus service 19, until 2nd June 2024;

                       v.         Noted the consultation response to proposed supported bus service changes affecting services 1, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 19, 24, 25 and 26;

                      vi.         Agreed to implement the changes recommended in paragraphs 38 to 64 of this report to supported bus services, between June and December 2024

                    vii.         Delegated authority to the Director of Transport, Environment and Planning (and their delegated officers) in consultation with the Director of Governance and the Chief Finance Officer (and their respective delegated officers) to amend or procure and enter into bus contracts in line with the approved recommendations ii to vi of the report.



                   viii.         Noted the BSIP programme update;

                      ix.         Noted and approved acceptance of the BSIP Phase 3 allocation of up to £1,153,000 of revenue funding to support delivery of York’s BSIP in 2024/25 and to delegate authority to the Director of Transport, Environment and Planning (and their delegated officers) in consultation with the Director of Governance and the Chief Finance Officer (and their respective delegated officers) to enter into any related funding agreements. 



                    x.         Noted the ZEBRA2 bid submission and that an outcome is expected in March 2024, with a further paper to follow if successful.

Reason:    In support of a stable, efficient, sustainable, and affordable bus network that delivers the CYC’s stated Bus Service Improvement plan objectives in line with the National Bus Strategy and council policy.



Report author: Joanne Waddington

Publication date: 22/02/2024

Date of decision: 20/02/2024

Decided at meeting: 20/02/2024 - Executive

Effective from: 28/02/2024

Accompanying Documents:


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