Decision details

Update on Local Bus Services

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of Report: The report will inform the Executive of continuing actions to stabilise bus network as government support decreases. Whilst maintain objectives to grow the network within BSIP, BSIP update City Bus Centre Study, City Centre Shuttle Bus Study, Poppleton Park & Ride, Update on Young Person Fare Initiatives as part of BSIP.

The Executive will be asked to:
Agree on-going Actions to Stabilise the Bus Network within York
Agree scheme progress as part of the City Centre Bus Study
Agree scheme progress as part of City Centre Shuttle Bus Study
Agree Young Person Fare initiative as part of BSIP


Resolved:  (i)      That the BSIP delivery update in the report be noted, including infrastructure improvement development, young person and family incentives, and the bus service support, these being the key BSIP items prioritised for the current year, the delivery of which was not affected by the bus subsidy challenges.


                  (ii)     That it be noted that there remain a number of issues within the bus industry, including changes to government funding for bus companies and the fact that the current timeline of government funding matches BSIP, leading to a potential ‘cliff edge’ of funding for services in summer 2025; although officers will continue to work with the Enhanced Bus Partnership to seek to mitigate risk, future intervention by the council may be required.


                  (iii)     That it be noted that operators have indicated they were to remove some early a.m. and late p.m. commercial services (Nos. 1, 4, 6, and 10/10A) which they consider are not economically viable, that officers have arranged short-term contracts from bus operators to retain the under-threat elements of these services, and that this additional funding will be considered by the Enhanced Bus Partnership in July 2023, with a longer-term tender process to be undertaken and reported back to the Executive.


                  (iv)    That it be noted that officers will present the subsidy per passenger as part of any future funding decisions on which services should be supported, to help Members with their decision-making.


                  (v)     That it be noted that the funding allocation to service support is limited and the initial allocation is committed, that Local Transport Authorities (LTAs), such as York, are now able to re-allocate part of the original BSIP funding to service support, that LTAs can switch up to 10% of the revenue allocation over the three-year programme without the government’s approval, and that this would impact on the council’s ability to deliver an existing BSIP deliverable project and require formal decision making.


                  (vi)    That it be noted that the report on the City Centre Bus Shuttle is imminent but that it will need to be considered, and possibly revised further, in the light of any decisions to review hostile vehicle mitigation measures.


Reason:     To ensure that the Bus Network in York is stabilised and that the council can work with the statutory Enhanced Bus Partnership to deliver its stated Bus Service Improvement Plans objectives in line with the National Bus Strategy, by both improving passenger experience and increase bus patronage.


Report author: Michael Howard

Publication date: 14/07/2023

Date of decision: 13/07/2023

Decided at meeting: 13/07/2023 - Executive

Effective from: 18/07/2023

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