Decision details

Addressing the Cost of Living Crisis in York

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of Report: The report will provide an overview of the current position regarding the cost of living crisis locally in York for:

Council Budget, Workforce and Services
Impact on partners such as Health and the Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise (VCSE) Sector

The report will focus upon local plans, programmes being undertaken and key activities to tackle the impacts of the crisis. It will also include an update from the York Cost of Living Summit 2022.

The Executive will be asked to note the report.


Resolved:  That the following be noted:

a)    The context and overview of current impacts of the Cost of Living Crisis in York;

b)    The actions being undertaken by the council and its partners in response;

c)    The key activities and outputs from the Cost of Living Summit and next steps; and

d)    The challenges facing local government in setting budgets for 2023/24.


Reason:     To ensure Members have full information on the wide impacts of the crisis, both long and short term, and what activity is being undertaken to understand challenges and provide residents with practical support, information, advice and guidance across all city partnerships.



Report author: Pauline Stuchfield

Publication date: 23/11/2022

Date of decision: 22/11/2022

Decided at meeting: 22/11/2022 - Executive

Effective from: 25/11/2022

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