Decision details
Capital Programme Outturn 2020/21 and Revisions to the 2021/2- 2025/26 Programme
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision status: Decision Made
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Purpose of Report: To provide overview of the councils overall capital programme position at the end of Q4 20-21.
The Executive are asked to note and approve.
Resolved: (i) That the 2020/21 capital outturn position of £92.397m be noted, and that the requests for re-profiling from the 2020/21 programme to future years, totalling £37.575m, be approved.
(ii) That the adjustments to schemes increasing expenditure in 2020/21 by a net £10.113m be noted.
(iii) That approval be given to release an additional £73k from capital contingency to allow the construction of the new crematorium waiting room.
(iv) That the revised leisure offer at the Community Stadium of a children’s play area be approved.
Reasons: (a) To enable the effective management and monitoring of the council’s capital programme.
(b) To ensure that mourners attending the crematorium and waiting to enter can be treated with dignity through appropriate and proper waiting facilities.
Report author: Debbie Mitchell
Publication date: 25/06/2021
Date of decision: 24/06/2021
Decided at meeting: 24/06/2021 - Executive
Effective from: 29/06/2021
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