Decision details

A Clean Air Zone for York

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of report: The report sets out options for the progression of a Clean Air Zone in York following consultation with the public and with local bus operators.

In light of the consultation, Members will be asked to consider whether or not to progress with the introduction of a Clean Air Zone for York and to consider what the timescales for such an introduction should be.

This item has been deferred  to the meeting of the Executive on 17 January 2019. This is so consideration can be given to the implementation of the Clean Air Zone (CAZ) within the budget process. As the CAZ will have to go to Full Council this deferral will cause no delay in adoption by the Council.


Resolved:  (i)      That the content of the report be noted.


(ii)      That the introduction of a Clean Air Zone (CAZ) for vehicles operating local bus services from January 2020, by making a request to the Traffic Commissioner pursuant to section 7(1) of the Transport Act 1985 that he exercise his powers under that section to impose traffic regulation conditions designed to reduce air pollution, be supported.


(iii)     That a twelve month ‘sunset’ period be permitted from January 2020, when vehicles not meeting the CAZ requirement may continue to be operated if evidence can be submitted by an operator that an order for retro-fitting of an existing vehicle, or procurement of a replacement Euro VI (or better) vehicle has been placed but not yet delivered.


(iv)    That the potential for grant funding to offset the cost be noted and that any amendment to the council contribution will be notified in future reports to Executive.


(v)     That the procurement of contracted bus services with Euro VI minimum emission standard in line with the service levels offered on the existing tendered bus network be approved, with the results of the procurement exercise to be considered at a future Executive meeting following receipt of tenders.

(Note: a summary of the routes to be re-tendered is included at Annex 4 to the report).


(vi)    That the progress made towards tackling anti-idling measures and proposals for addressing bus idling from January 2019 (including that detailed in Annex 5 to the report) be recognised.


Reason:     To improve air quality in York through the acceleration of improvements to bus emissions levels.

Report author: Andrew Bradley

Publication date: 18/01/2019

Date of decision: 17/01/2019

Decided at meeting: 17/01/2019 - Executive

Effective from: 22/01/2019

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