Decision details
Delivering improved Sport and Active Leisure facilities at Burnholme
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision status: Decision Made
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Purpose of Report: This report will seek consent for investment in
and preparation and submission of the planning application to
deliver improved sports facilities at Burnholme as part of the plan to create a Health
and Wellbeing campus on the site, part of the Older Persons’
Accommodation Programme. The report will also seek agreement to the
management arrangements for the sports facilities.
What will the report ask Members to do:
a) Give consent for investment in and preparation and submission of
the planning application to deliver sports to deliver improved
sports facilities at the Burnholme
Health and Wellbeing campus.
b) Ask that Executive to recommend to Council that the Capital
Programme be amended to include this investment.
c) Agree the management arrangements for the sports facilities at
Resolved: (i) That a net investment of £2.45m should be made to deliver improved sports facilities at the Burnholme Health and Wellbeing campus and further enabling works to facilitate the delivery of sports, health and housing on the site, and that an application for planning permission be prepared and submitted for these works.
(ii) That approval be given to extend the Greenwich Leisure Ltd. (GLL) leisure facilities operation service contract , dated 16 November 2017, to cover the Burnholme Sports provision, on the terms described in the report and for the term of that contract.
(iii) That, for the term of the contract, existing regular users of the current facility can continue to have the same access times and cost arrangements, subject to annual price increases in line with inflation.
(iv) That approval be given to use the Venture Fund to manage the early years deficits on the Burnholme operations, up to a total of £0.2m, to be funded from the surpluses due in the later years.
Reason: So that improved sports and active leisure facilities are made available for the benefit of the citizens of York.
Note: Cllr Ayre, having declared an interest, left the room during consideration of the above item and took no part in the debate or decisions thereon.
Report author: Roy Wallington
Publication date: 13/07/2018
Date of decision: 12/07/2018
Decided at meeting: 12/07/2018 - Executive
Effective from: 17/07/2018
Accompanying Documents: