Decision details

Homelessness in York

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of Report: Homelessness in York

(proposed by Cllr Craghill, seconded by Cllr Kramm)
“Council is appalled by the growing homeless crisis nationally and here in York and notes with regret the following:

• The recent sudden death on the streets of York of one of our long term rough sleepers;

• A report published in August this year by ‘Crisis’, the national charity for homeless people, which shows that almost a quarter of a million people are experiencing the worst forms of homelessness across Britain, with rough sleeping set to rise by 76% in the next 10 years unless policies are changed;

• The fact that the official number of street homeless in York rose from 2 in Nov. 2011 to 18 in 2015 and has stayed at that level for the last two years;

• The lack of sufficient temporary accommodation in York and the lack of sufficient affordable one bedroom homes for people to move into.

Council acknowledges the achievement of the Council’s Housing Options team in being awarded a ‘Gold Award’ for their work and the large number of people inside and outside the Council in the voluntary and community sector striving to support people who are homeless.

However, Council is concerned that clearly something isn’t working and more needs to be done. Council therefore resolves to call for an urgent report to Executive to consider options on the following:

• Immediate measures to provide additional temporary accommodation and avoid if at all possible any further deaths on our streets this winter;

• Any further measures that can be actioned in a short/medium timescale to prevent this crisis from spiralling out of control in York. These might include an extension of the Housing First model; the provision of daytime facilities in the city centre to improve the health of people who find themselves on the streets; and the options for closer working with partners across the region to improve outcomes for homeless people.

• Plans for engagement with people living on the streets, in temporary accommodation and other homeless people to learn from their views and ideas.”

Members are asked to consider the current position, what the service is now and  look at what further options there are to tackle the issue of rough sleeping


Resolved:  (i)      That the progress made in response to the motion to Council be noted.


(ii)      That Option 1 be approved and the following changes and proposals endorsed and agreed, as detailed in paragraphs 55-59 of the report:


a)   To operate severe weather provision continuously throughout the winter period until 28 February 2018, instead of on cold nights only;

b)   To explore innovative ideas to build more one-bedroom properties as part of the allocation in the Housing Revenue Account for the construction of new council properties at an affordable social rent.

c)   To give consideration to expanding the number of emergency beds in the city, using the £125k available over a 3-year period to pilot an innovative scheme to meet the needs of the city.

d)   To consider employing a Private Rented Officer to work with existing services to help individuals access the private rented sector and to offer support and contact for landlords.


Reason:     To look at further ways to tackle the challenge of rough sleeping in York, recognising that there is not an immediate solution due to the chaotic lifestyles of some customers and the potential implications of the Homeless Reduction Act 2017.

Report author: Becky Ward

Publication date: 26/01/2018

Date of decision: 25/01/2018

Decided at meeting: 25/01/2018 - Executive

Effective from: 30/01/2018

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