Decision details
York Central - Third Party Acquisitions
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision status: Decision Made
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Purpose of Report: To
seek an Executive decision to purchase the Unipart factory in order
to facilitate the delivery of the York Central scheme.
Due to delays in receiving key pieces of information this item has
been deferred to the 24 November Executive.
Resolved: That Executive agree to:
(i) The purchase price of the Unipart site as set out in confidential Annex 2 in advance of any potential initiation of a Compulsory Purchase Order.
(ii) Delegate to the Corporate Director of Economy and Place in consultation with the Corporate Director of Customer and Corporate Services and the Leader to share the purchase cost of the Unipart site with the Homes and Communities Agency on the basis set out in confidential Annex 2.
(iii) Delegate to the Corporate Director of Economy and Place in consultation with the Corporate Director of Customer and Corporate Services and the Leader the authority to agree the application and terms for a further loan from the Leeds City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (LCR LEP) Local Growth Fund (LGF) to part fund the purchase as set out in confidential Annex 2.
(iv) Agree that the LEP loans be considered as an element of the £10m budget approved to York Central and therefore the remaining balance of the Unipart acquisition be charged against this CYC approved budget prior to thefinalisation of the York Central partnership agreement and funding strategy.
Reason: To enable timely progress on the York Central project.
Report author: Tracey Carter
Publication date: 24/11/2016
Date of decision: 24/11/2016
Decided at meeting: 24/11/2016 - Executive
Effective from: 29/11/2016
Accompanying Documents:
- York Central - Third Party Acquisition November 16 v7
PDF 301 KB
- Annex 1 York Central third party acquisitions
PDF 304 KB
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