Decision details

Feasibility Report - Cycle Hire Scheme for York

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of Report: To outline a case for a full city-wide trial of a public cycle hire scheme within York, based on the Newcastle approach. Cabinet are asked to give approval for Officers to undertake a tendering exercise with interested companies to establish the costs associated with undertaking a full city-wide trial for 12 months, delivered by a third-party. If the tender returns are satisfactory, delegate authority to the Director to award the contract and proceed with the trial. This item has been moved from a Cabinet Member Decision to a Cabinet Decision to allow the report to be considered by Cabinet as part of the Tour De France Legacy Strategy. This report has been slipped from the May to the June meeting to allow further consultation with cycling businesses within the city and to ensure alignment with the emerging Tour De France Legacy work programme. This report will now be taken to Cabinet in July to allow review of the consultation with local businesses which will inform the paper.


RESOLVED:       That Cabinet agree to:

(i)           The general principle of introducing a public cycle hire scheme within York;

(ii)          Give approval for Officers to undertake further development of a business model for a scheme, including seeking external sources of funding and tendering for a potential provider;

(iii)        Receive a further report at a future Cabinet meeting setting out the full financial implications and potential funding sources, and further consider at that point the introduction of a full city wide trial of a public cycle hire scheme for 24 months.

REASON:           To continue to promote cycling within York as a sustainable transport option and offer a low-cost alternative to private transport for short journeys.  This would be primarily aimed at residents of the city and its suburbs, but would also appeal to commuters as well as some visitors. 


Report author: Richard Holland

Publication date: 16/07/2013

Date of decision: 16/07/2013

Decided at meeting: 16/07/2013 - Executive

Effective from: 19/07/2013

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