Decision details

Decision on the Proposal to Close Burnholme Community College

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of the report:The report will set out the representations received following the Cabinet's decision to publish notices proposing the phased closure of Burnholme Community College.
Members will be asked to consider these representations and to decide whether or not to proceed with the phased closure.


RESOLVED:        That Cabinet, having considered the representations made in response to the statutory closure notice (as set out in Annex 1 and 2) together with the statutory guidance in paragraphs 17-55 of the report:

i)                    Approves the closure of Burnholme Community College (BCC) on 31 August 2014, as proposed in the previous report to Cabinet (15 May) and in the public notices which provide details of the transition arrangements.

     ii)           Notes that closure is conditional and will take effect if, by the date of closure, the Secretary of State has approved the increase in the number of students to be admitted to Archbishop Holgate’s School.

iii)        Notes that the LA will work closely with the governing body of BCC and other schools to develop a comprehensive package of support for the school, and  a detailed transition plan for students and staff, that seeks to ensure the best possible education throughout the phased closure.

iv)        Notes that the LA will work with Applefields School, other secondary schools, and parents, in order to relocate the satellite class that has been successfully established at BCC.

v)         Notes that the LA, with the York Education Partnership, will continue to develop further proposals to meet demand for school places as it rises over the next decade.

vi)   Confirms that a further specific consultation focussing upon the potential future use of the Burnholme site should commence.  The LA will wish to explore options that make best use of the site whilst maintaining community facilities (as set out in paragraph 44 of the report).

REASON:      It has been concluded that the educational interests of the children and young people in the city would be best served by a phased closure of Burnholme Community College.


Report author: Kevin Hall

Publication date: 17/07/2012

Date of decision: 17/07/2012

Decided at meeting: 17/07/2012 - Executive

Effective from: 20/07/2012

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