Decision details

Petition from Local Residents requesting the Council to ensure completion of the James Street Link Road

Decision Maker: Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy

Decision status: Awaiting Implementation

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of report: Residents in Heworth Ward and other parts of the east/east of centre areas of the city. Implementation of the request is dependent on the future plans of the developer that owns the land at the southern end of the proposed link and the time remaining until the current planning permission lapses.

Members are asked to: Note the petition, expedite negotiations with the developer and report to subsequent Executive Member meeting.


RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member for City Strategy agrees to:

      i)Note the content of the petition, and ask officers to pursue negotiations with the developer.

ii) When the outcomes of the negotiations are known, a   further report on the financial and legal implications is submitted to a future meeting with the Executive Member for a decision to be considered on:

·                    Pursuing the developer’s signing of the Agreement requiring him to construct the remaining southern section of Phase 2 (P2S).

·                    Authorising the commissioning of the remaining stages of the design programme to enable P2S to be considered for inclusion in the 2009/10 capital programme.

iii)    Reply to the lead petitioner.

REASON:            To enable Officers to complete negotiations with the developer with a view to obtaining completion of the Link Road.          

Publication date: 03/06/2009

Date of decision: 02/06/2009

Decided at meeting: 02/06/2009 - Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy

Effective from: 05/06/2009

Accompanying Documents:


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