Issue details

Proposed lease of Library Lawn

Purpose of Report; To present Members with public comments received following the consultation under Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1972 (the Act) regarding the proposed ‘disposal of open space’ at Library Lawn.

Members already agreed to the granting of a lease of Library Lawn and the St Leonards Hospital Ruins (Store) to Explore York and Archives Mutual Limited (Explore) until 31 March 2034, subject to reviewing the consultation comments.

The Executive will be asked to approve or reject the proposed lease.


Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Decision Made

Wards affected: Guildhall Ward;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/09/2020

Level of Risk: 04-08 Regular monitoring required;

Decision due: 22/10/20 by Executive

Lead member: Executive Member for Finance and Performance

Lead director: Corporate Director of Children, Education and Communities

Contact: Andrew Laslett, Strategic Services Manager Tel: 07850001002 Email:

Consultation process

The Section 123 Open Space notice was published in the York Press on 13 August and 20 August 2020 and any public comments or objections were invited by 10 September 2020.


Agenda items


  • Proposed lease of Library Lawn  


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