Issue - decisions

Service Plan Monitoring 2nd Period

11/12/2006 - Service Plan Monitoring 2nd Period

Members considered a report which analysed performance by reference to the Service Plan, the budget and performance indicators (PIs) for all services funded through the Children’s Services budget.


Officers updated Members and circulated a summary of the Children’s Services portfolio which outlined the 2006/07 original estimates and latest approved budget together with details of Service Plan variations from the approved budget.


The report highlighted significant progress against a very challenging programme and identified some of the key achievements in the year to date:


·         Within Access and inclusion, the number of young people on the education otherwise register had fallen very rapidly and the level of provision had now increased with more young people attending the Pupil Referral Unit for more days per week than in the recent past.    It was noted that this had been achieved largely through the willingness of secondary school head teachers to collaborate over the reintegration of much larger numbers of excluded pupils. 

·         A much improved level and quality of provision for minority ethnic groups, with support being provided for a rapidly growing number of EAL learners in school.

·         A significant decline in the level of bullying reported in the school survey

·         Best ever results in maths and science at Key Stage 3, and an increased number of pupils who had achieved 5 A*-C at GCSE putting York in the top 20% of Local Authorities.

·         An increase in the number of schools who had achieved a Healthy School standard

·         Significant improvements to the systems the Authority had in place to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable children and young people across the city.   Members recognised the excellent work of the Children’s & Families Service which had achieved a consistently low level of unallocated cases, below the 2.5% target set.

·         The development and refurbishment of Castlegate (One Stop Shop).  Members were pleased with the progress made to date on that new facility which they recognised would be a significant asset and passed on their congratulations to the officers leading on the project.


Members noted that the reduction of £63k in the projected underspend on support required for statemented children was from School Based Additional Tutors and not School Based Area Teachers, as indicated in the report.


Members acknowledged the enormity of the work in Children’s Services and the work that had gone into producing the report, but requested that other methods of presenting the information contained within the annex be considered as without colour it was very hard to follow.  They also expressed concern over the significant number of staff absent on long term sickness.


In regard to the net projected overspend of £31k it was noted that officers would continue to work to identify further savings to bridge that remaining gap before the end of the financial year.


Advice of the Advisory Panel:


That the Executive Member be advised to note the performance of services within the Directorate funded through the Children’s Services budgets.


Decision of the Executive Member:


RESOLVED:       That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To monitor and review performance in this portfolio area


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