Issue - decisions

Scrutiny of Inclusive Decision Making in City of York Council

14/06/2006 - Scrutiny of Inclusive Decision Making in City of York Council

RESOLVED: (i)         That it be noted that some of the recommendations of the Scrutiny Panel have been anticipated by the Council, that a Social Inclusion Executive Members has now been appointed, with the support of a Social Inclusion Working Group, and that a forum for people with disabilities is in the course of being convened.


                        (ii)        That the Social Inclusion Working Group be invited to consider, if it wishes, in the run up to next year’s budget allocations, whether existing financial allocations might be redirected in order to underpin more effectively the work of the Equalities team and community forums.


                        (iii)       That it be agreed that all partnerships should document the roles and responsibilities of the participants, to ensure good governance arrangements are in place.


                        (iv)       That Democratic Services be requested to promote, to all interest groups, the availability of Council agendas and supporting papers, and that any subsequent requests for information be satisfied using the new electronic committee management system wherever practical.


                        (v)        That it be confirmed that the Executive welcomes input into the Council’s decision making process by all faith groups.


                        (vi)       That Officers be requested to bear in mind the comments of the Scrutiny Panel when they consider the training requirements of members of Council committees.


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