Issue - decisions

Local Government Finance Settlement update

08/01/2013 - Local Government Finance Settlement Update

RESOLVED:    That Cabinet:


i)         Note the provisional Local Government Finance Settlement figures;


ii)       Agree to the Leader, on the advice of the Director of Customer & Business Support Services, deciding on how to proceed with the council’s involvement in the LCR business rates pool.


iii)      Delegate approval of the annual NNDR1(National Non Domestic Rates) form to the Director of Customer & Business Support Services.


REASON:        i)           To inform financial planning decisions for the 2013/14 and 2014/15 budgets.


ii)          So that the council’s income from the business rates retention scheme is maximised.


iii)          So that process for Council Tax and business rates are aligned and so that the council can submit business rates figures to Central Government as and when requested.




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