Issue - decisions

Public Rights of Way - Application for Definitive Map Modification Order Alleged Public Footpath, Main Street to North Lane (Love Lane), Wheldrake

03/02/2010 - Public Rights of Way - Application for Definitive Map Modification Order, Alleged Public Footpath, Main Street to North Lane (Love Lane), Wheldrake

RESOLVED:               i) That the Executive Member agrees that public rights are reasonably alleged to exist;


      ii)     The Executive Member resolves that


(a) The Director of City Strategy be authorised to instruct the Head of Legal Services to make a Definitive Map Modification Order to add a public footpath, along the route A – B on Plan 1 attached at page 76 of the report, to the Definitive Map;


(b) If no objections are received, or any objections that are received, are subsequently withdrawn, the Head of Legal Services be authorised to confirm the Order made in accordance with (a) above; or


(c) If any objections are received, and not subsequently withdrawn, the Order be passed to the Secretary of State for confirmation.




REASON:                  There is evidence in support of the existence of a public right of way over the application route thus requiring the authority to make the order under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, Section 53 (3)(c)(i).


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