Issue - decisions

A19/A1237 Roundabout Improvements - Detailed Design

03/02/2010 - A19/A1237 Roundabout Improvements - Consultation Results and Detailed Design

RESOLVED:            That the Executive Member agrees to:

i) Note the comments raised by the public, Councillors and interested organisations.

ii) Note the Officer’s response to the comments and the proposed amendments to the design.

iii) Approve the further development of the scheme in line with the amended layout subject to the removal of the rumble strips on Shipton Road, as part of the necessary resurfacing works, to enable the improvements to be tendered and constructed in the summer/autumn of 2010.

iv) Approve the inclusion of a total allocation of £1.5m in the City Strategy Capital Programme to construct the proposed scheme.

v) Authorise the removal of the minimum amount of vegetation from the A1237 West landscaped bund in February, to allow the main works to proceed later in the year to minimise the impact on nesting birds.

REASON:                  To reduce journey times for travellers in the A19/A1237 area whilst maintaining safe crossing points for pedestrians and cyclists.



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