Agenda item

Bi-Annual Safeguarding Update

At a meeting of the Committee in June 2012 Members agreed to receive a six monthly update on key children’s safeguarding issues. This fifth report updates the Committee on key local and national safeguarding developments since January 2014.



Members considered a report which provided them with a six monthly update on key children’s safeguarding issues, in particular key local and national safeguarding developments since January 2014.


The Director of Children’s Services & Education  stated that the Ofsted thematic inspection, which took place on 21 and 22January 2014, had been published in July 2014. The inspection was carried out by two inspectors who reviewed the quality and effectiveness of the early help offer, in particular, the arrangements that were in place across City of York Council (CYC) and its partnerships to prevent any issues escalating to the point where statutory intervention was needed.


The Director confirmed it was a relatively short inspection and he highlighted the strengths, weaknesses and conclusions listed in the report. He confirmed that officers were actively working to improve services, including:

·        strengthening the referral and assessment arrangements.

·         improving how children specialist social care services can be accessed.

·        changing the structure of how the front door service works.

·        strengthening the performance management of  case loads.

·        improving quality of social care practice and

·        developing a new referral form.


He also stated that officers were preparing for an Ofsted inspection which was due to take place before May 2015. The first inspection would cover safeguarding arrangements and Looked After Children (LAC).  It was anticipated that eight inspectors would visit over a 4 week period and would analyse around 100 case files with a large proportion being LAC records.


Some Members queried how the challenges of the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) were managed. It was confirmed that CAF was an intensive process that required continuous contact with the yor-ok Board and partner organisations. Officers would continue to encourage users to be more consistent when completing a CAF.


Discussions took place regarding areas for development and some Members were disappointed that inspectors had stated that some plans and assessments did not reflect the childs voice, experience or journey.  Officers confirmed that this was an area of development and they were working to improve this section.


Some Members felt Annex 1, External Scrutiny of Services for the Review Period table,  was left open ended and should contain a more detailed conclusion. It was agreed that future reports would include an update on actions taken to provide a clear reassurance that officers were responding to each area.


In answer to some questions officers confirmed that:

·        an update on the Sheffield Peer Challenge could be distributed to Committee Members.

·        that staff structure arrangements had changed over the last 18 months but the Peer Challenge Team had confirmed that the directorate now needed a period of stability. 



(i)           That the outcome and recommendations of the Ofsted thematic inspection of Early Help be noted.

(ii)          That a further update on the plans for a Peer Challenge of the referral and assessment arrangements including feedback from this process be received in December.

(iii)        That the work underway to prepare for the forthcoming Ofsted inspection be noted.

(iv)        That the outcome of the most recent DBS audit be noted and future updates on this position as part of the six monthly reporting cycle be received.

(v)         That the continued progress of the Keeping Families Together strategy be noted and further updates on the progress towards developing a refreshed strategy for 2015/18 be received.

(vi)        That an update on the Sheffield Peer Challenge be circulated around Committee Members.1



Reason: To allow Members to be fully informed on the key issues affecting children’s safeguarding in York.


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