Agenda item

Local Account for Adult Social Care 2012

This report introduces the contents of the City of York’s Local Account for Adult Social Care 2013 (Annex 1) and asks theCabinet Member to note the performance and priorities in the Local Account 2012 andapprove the Local Account, with any relevant changes, for general publication.



RESOLVED:             (i)         That the performance and improvements detailed in the Local Account 2012 be noted.


                                    (ii)        The Local Account, with any relevant changes, be approved for general publication.


REASON:                  Approval by the Cabinet Member will enable Adults, Children and Education (ACE) to engage in the regional Service Led Improvement Programme for 2012-13 and to meet its commitment to the Promoting Excellence in Councils’ Adults Social Care Programme Board, and good practice in producing an annual Local Account.


The Cabinet Member considered a report which introduced the City of York Council of York’s Local Account for Adult Social Care 2012. The Director of Adults, Children and Education, the Assistant Director (Adult Commissioning, Modernisation and Provision) and Performance & Improvement Manager attended the meeting. They provided the Cabinet member with a copy of the Local Account for her information and comments.


Officers drew the Cabinet Member’s attention to the following key performance improvements:


·        Overall Quality of Life – When we asked people using care services to self report against those things which contributed to their Quality of Life, the results for York were higher in every reported category than the regional and the average across other unitary authorities.


·        Value for Money – The adult social care budget in 2011-12 accounted for 17% of the entire council budget. This is lower than the 19% of budget which is the average council budget spent on adult social care in comparable local authorities. City of York has the lowest calculated spend per head of population on adult social care at £206 per year, compared to an average of £273 in areas of a similar size. We spend around 10% of our budget on care management and professional support which is the advised optimum level for care assessment and review processes.


Officers also drew her attention to the following areas for improvement.


·        To ensure that the actions in the service plans within City of York adult social care reflect the priorities agreed with York citizens through the Health and Wellbeing Board and continue to actively involve people who use services, in all levels of service design and decision making.


·        To continue to make support more personalised and deliver greater levels of choice and control; implementing through scrutiny a self assessment of our progress and identifying the priority areas for development.


·        To work with health colleagues to drive down the number of delayed discharges from hospital into the community through joint working, increased communication and increasing the availability of reablement.


The Cabinet Member considered two options as follows:


·        Option 1:To approve the Local Account for Adult Social Care 2012.


·        Option 2:To reject the content and analysis of Local Account 2012.


She expressed her support in principle for the Local Account for Adult Social Care 2012 and the good work which was taking place. She acknowledged that, as a result of reduced central government funding, some of the 14 areas of improvement may be difficult to achieve.


She asked that, once finalised, copies of the document be made available in libraries and on the council’s website and that key partners are provided with a copy by email. She also recommended that a report be taken to a future meeting of the York Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board


RESOLVED:       (i)      That the performance and improvements detailed in the Local Account 2012 be noted.


                             (ii)      The Local Account, with any relevant changes, be approved for general publication.


                             (iii)     That a report be taken to a future meeting of the York Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board.1


REASON:            Approval by the Cabinet Member will enable Adults, Children and Education (ACE) to engage in the regional Service Led Improvement Programme for 2012-13 and to meet its commitment to the Promoting Excellence in Councils’ Adults Social Care Programme Board, and good practice in producing an annual Local Account.

Supporting documents:


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