Agenda, decisions and minutes

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

At this point Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in the business on this agenda.


The Executive Member was invited to declare at this point in the meeting any personal or prejudicial interests that she might have in the business on the agenda.  No interests were declared.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 46 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Member for Neighbourhood Services and Advisory Panel on Wednesday 18 March 2009.


RESOLVED:             That the Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Member for Neighbourhood Services and Advisory Panel held on Wednesday 18 March 2009 be approved and signed as a correct record.


Public Participation / Other Speakers




At this point in the meeting, members of the public who have registered their wish to speak at the meeting can do so. The deadline for registering is 5:00pm on  Monday 20 July 2009. 


Members of the public may speak on item on the agenda, an issue within the Executive Member’s remit, or an item that has been published on the Information Log for the current session.  As the information log is not yet in use, the report below has been published online with the agenda for information.


a)         Finance and Performance Update Report – presenting the latest performance data for Neighbourhood Services.




It was reported that there had been no registrations to speak under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme.


With the permission of the Executive Member it was agreed that Councillors King, Hyman and Sue Galloway, who had requested to speak on agenda item 6 (Update on the City of York Public Toilet Review) could speak during consideration of agenda item 6.


Reserve list of Highways Schemes pdf icon PDF 37 KB

This report identifies additional highways schemes, some of which could be undertaken this financial year 2009/10, funded from within the service area and asks the Executive Member to approve the proposed list.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:   That the Executive Member:

·      Approve the split in funding between footways and roads.

·      Approve the provisional reserve list of possible schemes listed in Annex 1 of the agenda report.

Reason:  To ensure the Highway Maintenance budget is expended in the most cost effective way based on the Council's assessed priorities and approved policies.  It will not be evident until the latter end of the financial year as to how much money will be available to allocate to the reserve schemes, it is not anticipated that all of the schemes will be undertaken.  The list is much larger than any anticipated budget availability; this is to ensure some flexibility in the number of schemes to be completed with the finances available.



The Executive Member considered a report that identified additional highways schemes, some of which could be undertaken in this financial year 2009/10, funded from within the service area. The Executive Member for Neighbourhood Services was asked to approve the proposed list in Annex 1 of the report.


The Highway Asset Manager, Highway Maintenance Services, Neighbourhood Services, introduced the report and highlighted that efficiencies had been created with the merger of elements of City Strategy with the Civil Engineering Department in Neighbourhood Services. From the accrued savings, plus the pay back money from the Moor Lane Roundabout, this could then be used to fund additional resurfacing and reconstruction schemes.


The officer confirmed that the list had been drawn up in the usual way and that although there were no guarantees, the department was ready to go ahead once there was a clearer indication of the funding available towards the end of the financial year.


The Executive Member commented that she was happy to approve the list of schemes in Option 1 and noted that the list had been completed using the normal criteria. 


RESOLVED:   That the Executive Member:

·      Approve the split in funding between footways and roads.

·      Approve the provisional reserve list of possible schemes listed in Annex 1 of this report.

Reason:  To ensure the Highway Maintenance budget is expended in the most cost effective way based on the Council's assessed priorities and approved policies.  It will not be evident until the latter end of the financial year as to how much money will be available to allocate to the reserve schemes, it is not anticipated that all of the schemes will be undertaken.  The list is much larger than any anticipated budget availability; this is to ensure some flexibility in the number of schemes to be completed with the finances available.



Highways Vehicle Procurement pdf icon PDF 33 KB

This report provides the Executive Member with details of the procurement for the replacement of 4 hook lift gritting vehicles and 1 bulk tipping vehicle.  The report asks the Executive Member to approve the outcome of the evaluation process and that a purchase order is made so the vehicles can be ordered.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:       That the Executive Member:

                                                              i.      Notes the procurement process outlined in the report and approves the outcome of the evaluation process.

                                                            ii.      Gives approval for a purchase order to be made so the successful tenderers can be notified and orders placed.

Reason: To allow the orders to be placed and the vehicles to go into manufacture.


The Executive Member considered a report, which provided details of the procurement for the replacement of 4 hook lift gritting vehicles and 1 bulk tipping vehicle. The report asked the Executive Member to approve the outcome of the evaluation process so that a purchase order could be made and the vehicles ordered.


The Assistant Director, Environmental Services, Neighbourhood Services, presented the report and highlighted the need to replace vehicles for winter maintenance. It was noted that the previous contract with the Defence Support Group (DSG) had come to an end and that, after seeking advice from Procurement, tenders had been sought through the Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO) Framework. The tenders were evaluated using the Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT) analysis.


In response to a question from the Executive Member, the officer confirmed that a review of the whole transportation unit would be brought to the Executive Member at a future meeting.


RESOLVED:       That the Executive Member:

                                                              i.      Notes the procurement process outlined in the report and approves the outcome of the evaluation process.

                                                            ii.      Gives approval for a purchase order to be made so the successful tenderers can be notified and orders placed.

Reason: To allow the orders to be placed and the vehicles to go into manufacture.


Update on the City of York Public Toilet Review pdf icon PDF 179 KB

This report informs the Executive Member as to the progress to date on the complete review of public toilet provision for York and the proposed next steps.  The report is an update on the position reported on 15th October 2008 and considers the councils charging policy, future repairs and maintenance needs, the Changing Places Strategy and the Community Toilet Scheme.

Additional documents:


Decision of the Executive Member




1.      That the ExecutiveMember notes the limitations in the use of both the hydraulic urinals and the mobile units and agrees the recommendation that work on these solutions be suspended.

·        Reason: To allow resources to be focused of the Community Toilet Scheme.

2.      That the Executive Member agrees to the recommendation that a dedicated page on the council’s website be established for the public to report problems with specific facilities.

·        Reason: To allow complaints to be monitored by site and use the data in support of decisions on any refurbishment programme.

3.      The Executive Member notes the work needed on signage and believes that the national community toilet signage be adopted, and that a further report on this be brought back to the Executive Member in November 2009.

·        Reason: To ensure all parties have agreed with the types and locations of signs and how this supports the Community Toilet Scheme.

4.      The Executive Member agrees to further work being carried out to recruit businesses to the Community Toilet Scheme within any limitations identified with regard to signage and that details of the options be brought back to the Executive Member in November 2009.

·        Reason:  To be able to approach businesses in the City following the agreement on the types and locations of signage.

5.      The Executive Member agrees to the continuation of the current charging arrangements at the Coppergate facility and agrees to the recommendation that the charging at this facility is suspended with the attendant being replaced by scheduled cleans, and that this be monitored.

·        Reason: To ensure the council meets its obligations under discrimination legislation.

6.      That the Executive Member considers the current arrangements for the charging for children and the age at which a free service is offered and agrees with the recommendation that all children under 12 and accompanied are free.

·        Reason: To establish a policy on the charging of children at facilities in the City.

7.      That ways should be considered to improve facilities in house and adding them to the capital programme and that a further report on a partnership working with the private sector be prepared to make capital available immediately.  This will require a charge to be made at all the facilities except disabled following redevelopment.

·        Reason:  To improve the facilities on offer in the City.

8.      That consultation with the Older People’s Assembly be undertaken with regard to this review.

·        Reason: To ensure that the views of older people in York are taken into consideration in this review.

9.      That concerns about the use of the Radar Keys by people with disabilities be investigated and the options with the Radar Key organisation. That options with regard to the response to the Pull Chord emergency facility be investigated with a report back on both to the Executive Member in November 2009.

·        Reason: To improve toilet facilities for people with disabilities.


The Executive Member considered a report, which informed her as to the progress on the complete review of public toilet provision for York and the proposed next steps. The report was an update on the position reported on 15 October 2008 and considered the Council’s charging policy, future repairs and maintenance needs, the Changing Places Strategy and the Community Toilet Scheme.


The Executive Member asked for the officer update before hearing from the three Councillors who had requested to speak on this agenda item.


The Assistant Director, Environmental Services, Neighbourhood Services presented the report and stated that the review had begun mid-2008 and that the criteria worked within had included:

  1. General conditions survey of in-house facilities, the majority being fairly new build with minor improvements.
  2. The annual level of usage with reference to paragraph 9 of the report.
  3. A potential public toilet scheme with reference to paragraphs 11 and 12 of the report.


It was noted by the Assistant Director that a Community Toilet Scheme was being supported with a move to a national signage system.  Options for urinals and mobile units had been explored in detail but had not been felt appropriate for York. With regard to charging regimes it had been felt important to be consistent with the Equalities Act.


The Assistant Director spoke of the main Changing Place facility at Silver Street and other Changing Place facilities including Acomb Explore, Walmgate and that a further facility at Burton Stone Lane would be opened shortly. It was stated that there were plans also to incorporate one at the Central Library, two at Oaklands and changing facilities at the Monks Cross and the Designer Outlet shopping complexes. It was also stated that the Council had worked with three independent organisations to assess facilities, including ENCAMS (Tidy Britain Group), a private sector group, and York Access Group, who had all submitted reports and their comments had been incorporated in the review. The officer confirmed that an electronic copy of the report would be made available on the Internet and that a hard copy was available to read with the Assistant Director.


Councillor King, who had registered to speak on this agenda item, was then invited to speak by the Executive Member. Councillor King declared a personal non-prejudicial interest in this agenda item, as an Honorary Member of the York Access Group. He commented that he was concerned about disabled access to toilets and health and safety issues, and felt that these had not been addressed in the report. His particular concerns were with regard to the state of the toilet facilities at Union Terrace in Acomb, where needles used by drug users had been found together with blood on the walls and toilet furniture. He showed a photograph to the Executive Member and officers with regard to this. Councillor King highlighted that health and safely issues were not only concerns for people with disabilities, but also for cleaning staff.  He also noted that York was a tourist destination city and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


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