Issue - meetings

PROW: Request to authorise taking a definitive map modification order application out of turn

Meeting: 14/03/2019 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 80)

80 Request to authorise taking a Definitive Map Modification Order Application out of turn pdf icon PDF 168 KB

This report seeks authorisation from the Executive Member to take a definitive map modification order (DMMO) application out of turn and start to process an application immediately, as a matter of priority, to record Yorkfield Lane, Copmanthorpe as a public right of way, for the reasons set out in the report.


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Resolved:  That authorisation be given to take the Yorkfield Lane DMMO to be taken out of turn and for the investigation to be started immediately as a matter of priority.


Reason:     Determining the status of Yorkfield Lane will give certainty to planners, developers and Network Rail allowing future development to be better integrated into the existing sustainable transport network of the area. This in turn will allow improved sustainable transport links within Copmanthorpe village, particularly to the school.



The Executive Member considered a report which asked him to authorise officers to take a definitive map modification order (DMMO) application out of turn and start to process an application to record Yorkfield Lane, Copmanthorpe as a public right of way (PRoW), on the basis of historical documentary evidence and user evidence, immediately as matter of priority. The request was being made to end uncertainty over the status of Yorkfield Lane prior to Network Rail carrying out proposed improvement works to the crossing of the east coast main line and the possibility of housing development adjacent to the lane.


The report explained that determining the status of Yorkfield Lane would give certainty to planners, developers and Network Rail allowing future development to be better integrated into the existing sustainable transport network of the area. This in turn would allow improved sustainable transport links within Copmanthorpe village, particularly to the school. If approval was not given to take the application out of turn, the opportunity to improve the sustainable transport links within Copmanthorpe may be lost.


In view of the comments made by Councillor Carr, Ward Member for Companthorpe, officers clarified that the only decision for the Executive Member to make was whether to authorise that the Yorkfield Lane DMMO be taken out of turn and started immediately or not and that it was not for him to consider the best place for relocation of the crossing. Officers advised that they would, however, pass the information from Councillor Carr onto Network Rail for their consideration and the Executive Member confirmed his support for taking the application out of turn.


Resolved:  That authorisation be given to take the Yorkfield Lane DMMO to be taken out of turn and for the investigation to be started immediately as a matter of priority.


Reason:     Determining the status of Yorkfield Lane will give certainty to planners, developers and Network Rail allowing future development to be better integrated into the existing sustainable transport network of the area. This in turn will allow improved sustainable transport links within Copmanthorpe village, particularly to the school.



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