Issue - meetings

Annual Delivery Improvement Statement for Adult Social Services

Meeting: 17/07/2006 - Executive Member for Housing and Adult Social Services Advisory Panel (Item 18)

Annual Delivery Improvement Statement for Adult Social Services

This report draws members’ attention to the Delivery Improvement Statement (DIS) that has been submitted by officers to the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI). This forms a significant part of the evidence that leads to the annual rating of adult social services in the Autumn.


(i)      That the summary of the Delivery Improvement Statement and the process for publicising the full submission be noted.


Members received a report which drew attention to the Delivery Improvement Statement (DIS) that had been submitted by officers to the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI). This formed a significant part of the evidence that led to the annual rating of adult social services in the Autumn.


CSCI had requested that the DIS be reported to a public meeting of the Council.  The Director’s Statement, which formed part of the DIS submission and summarised his appraisal of performance in 2005/6 and the prospects for the future, was included at paragraph 5 of the report.  The full submission was available on the Council’s web site.


The Director of Housing & Adult Social Services outlined key ongoing developments, including the replacement of the social care computer system and the development of a Local Area Agreement, and reported the results of the inspection of Learning Disability Services.  He also highlighted major risks relating to the level of financial resources available to both the Council and the Primary Care Trust (PCT) and the restructuring of the PCT.  


Members congratulated officers on the inspection results for Learning Disability Services and thanked them for their hard work.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for Adult Social Services be advised:


(i)         That the summary of the Delivery Improvement Statement and the process for publicising the full submission be noted.


Decision of the Executive Member for Adult Social Services


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel as set out above be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To ensure that information on the performance of adult social services in York is available to those who want to see it.


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