Issue - meetings

Public Rights of Way - Petition requesting that public rights be restricted along the three snickets leading into The Reeves, Westfield using Gating Orders.

Meeting: 03/11/2009 - Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy (Item 46)

46 Public Rights of Way - Proposal to gate three snickets at The Reeves, Westfield Ward, York pdf icon PDF 102 KB

This report is in response to the receipt of a petition signed by 50 residents living in The Reeves area. The petition requested the closure of three snickets leading from Thoresby Road into The Reeves owing to persistent problems with criminal activity and antisocial behaviour.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member:


(i)                 Notes that the door to door survey results did not produce a majority in favour of the full time closure of any of the snickets;


(ii)               Agrees that the night time only gating order implementation process be undertaken for snickets 2 and 3 as detailed in the Officers report.


REASON:                  The level of crime and ASB occurring in the area, and also associated with the snickets, meets the criteria of the legislation, which allows the closure of snickets that are found to be facilitating the commission of persistent criminal activity and/or ASB. 


The Executive Member considered a report, which had been prepared in response to a petition signed by 50 residents living in The Reeves area. The petition requested the closure of three snickets leading from Thoresby Road into The Reeves owing to persistent problems with criminal activity and antisocial behaviour (ASB).


Officers reported that the level of crime and ASB occurring in the area, and associated with the snickets, met the criteria of the legislation, which allowed the closure. However, the survey carried out by Ward Members indicated that a significant proportion of residents living in Thoresby Road did not want the snickets closed.


The Executive Member reported receipt of additional comments from Cllr Sue Galloway who confirmed that the level of anti social behaviour in the area had reduced in recent months. She therefore only supported the permanent closure of the snicket between Nos 28 and 30 The Reeves, as this was not frequently used and the night time closure of the other two snickets.


The Executive Member pointed out that the survey results in Tables 1 and 2 of the Officers report (page 39) had been transposed between snickets 2 and 3. He confirmed that this required correction in order to gain a true picture of resident’s views on closure.


Angela Sweeting, a resident of The Reeves, made representations in support of the closure of the snickets. She referred to the high levels of anti social behavior in the area including damage to property. She stated that residents felt that by cutting off these escape routes it would have a significant affect in reducing the problems. She also referred to a number of unreported incidents, which were affecting resident’s quality of life.


Officers then detailed the stages that would be required in taking the gating orders forward, which could result in the gates being installed in approximately 12 months subject to funding.  


The Executive Member confirmed that there was no local consensus on closing the snickets and that two were well used. He stated that in view of the residents survey and representations made he was considering the night time closure of snickets 2 and 3. He considered that Community Ranger patrols would be able to provide a sufficiently reliable locking/unlocking service together with a nominated local key holder as a fall back. He made reference to the restrictions of the current legislation and to the hurdles that had yet to be overcome prior to implementation of any restrictions. 


RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member:


(i)                 Notes that the door to door survey results did not produce a majority in favour of the full time closure of any of the snickets;


(ii)               Agrees that the night time only gating order implementation process be undertaken for snickets 2 and 3 as mentioned in the Officers report. 1.


REASON:                  The level of crime and anti social behaviour occurring in the area, and also associated with the snickets, meets the criteria of the legislation, which allows the closure of snickets that are found  ...  view the full minutes text for item 46


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