Councillor Jason Rose

Party: Labour
Political grouping: Labour and Co-operative
Ward: Acomb Ward
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More information about this councillor
Additional Information
I currently receive a basic allowance of £11,392.
Information on Members' Allowances and Expenses
Information about Holgate Ward can be found here:
Contact information
Download Councillor Jason Rose contact details as VCard
Committee appointments
- Acomb Ward CommitteeAcomb Ward
- Acomb WardCommitteeAcomb Ward
- Audit and Governance CommitteeAcomb Ward
- Corporate Services, Climate Change and Scrutiny Management CommitteeAcomb Ward
- Corporate Services, Climate Change and Scrutiny Management Committee (Calling In)Acomb Ward
- CouncilAcomb Ward
- Health, Housing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny CommitteeAcomb Ward
- Joint Committee, Corporate Services, Climate Change and Scrutiny Management Committee and Audit and Governance CommitteeAcomb Ward
- Licensing/Gambling Hearing
Appointments to outside bodies
- British Sugar Community Forum
- City of York Trading Company
- Safer York Partnership (Substitute)
- York & Scarborough NHS Trust Council of Governors
- York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority Audit and Governance Committee (Substitute)Acomb Ward
- Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO) Audit & Governance Sub-CommitteeAcomb Ward
- Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO) Management CommitteeAcomb Ward