Forward plan

29 January 2024 to 2 June 2024  (29/01/2024 to 02/06/2024, Executive)

Plan items
No. Item


Free Discretionary Transport to Tadcaster Grammar School

Decision maker:  Decision Session - Executive Member for Children, Young People and Education

Decision:   06/02/24

Lead officer:  Barbara Mands

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 27/12/2023


Acomb Front Street Phase 2 – open public engagement on costed designs and ideas for the scheme

Decision maker:  Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport

Decision:   20/02/24

Lead officer:  David Warburton, Kathryn Daly

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/01/2024


Cashless Parking Review

Decision maker:  Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport

Decision:   20/02/24; The action date for this item has changed. Open item for more information.

Lead officer:  Graham Titchener

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 13/11/2023


Children and Young People’s Plan 2024-2027

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   20/02/24

Lead officer:  Niall McVicar

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/01/2024


Construction Skills and Retrofit

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   20/02/24

Lead officer:  Simon Brereton

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/01/2024


Corporate Parenting Strategy

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   20/02/24

Lead officer:  Niall McVicar

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/01/2024


Harewood Whin Green Energy Park (GEP) – Project Initiation

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   20/02/24

Lead officer:  Alex Eburne, Shaun Gibbons

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/01/2024

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Links to background documents
One City, for all: City of York’s Council Plan 2023-2027 -

York and North Yorkshire’s Routemap to Carbon Negative -

York Climate Change Strategy -

York Local Area Energy Plan –


Health Protection Annual Assurance Report

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   20/02/24

Lead officer:  Anita Dobson

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/01/2024


Local Bus Service Updates

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   20/02/24

Lead officer:  Joanne Waddington

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/01/2024


York Tourism Strategy

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   20/02/24

Lead officer:  Simon Brereton

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/12/2023


Civic protocols Review

Decision maker:  Decision Session - Executive Members for Finance, Performance, Major Projects, Human Rights, Equality and Inclusion

Decision:   21/02/24; The action date for this meeting has changed. Please open item for more information.

Lead officer:  Laura Williams

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/10/2023


North Yorkshire and City of York Domestic Abuse Strategy 2024 -2028

Decision maker:  Decision Session - Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care

Decision:   21/02/24

Lead officer:  Peter Roderick, Anita Dobson

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 27/12/2023


Public Realm – Service developments

Decision maker:  Decision Session - Executive Member for Environment and Climate Emergency

Decision:   27/02/24

Lead officer:  Ben Grabham, Dave Meigh

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 23/01/2024


Review of Council Garage Licence Agreement

Decision maker:  Decision Session - Executive Member for Housing, Planning and Safer Communities

Decision:   28/02/24

Lead officer:  Kate Grandfield, Denis Southall, Peter Holt

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/12/2023


Term dates for the 2025/26 School Year

Decision maker:  Decision Session - Executive Member for Children, Young People and Education

Decision:   05/03/24

Lead officer:  Rachelle White

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/01/2024


The Council’s Contract with Make It York

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   14/03/24

Lead officer:  Andrew Laslett

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 23/01/2024


Statement of Community Involvement update New!

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   14/03/24

Lead officer:  John Roberts

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2024


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