Issue details
Lord Mayoralty Points Allocation
Purpose of Report: To invite the Executive to consider a request to reinstate unspent points foregone in respect of a previous Lord Mayoralty allocation in 2019/2020, and to consequently amend the forthcoming Lord Mayoralty allocations accordingly, to take effect for the forthcoming municipal year, 2025/2026.
Executive will be asked: To consider the reallocation of unspent points to the Conservative Group from the 2019/2020 nomination to the current points calculation, such reinstatement to take effect for the 2025/2026 municipal year.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 17/06/2024
Level of Risk: 04-08 Regular monitoring required;
Decision due: 12/09/24 by Executive
Lead member: Leader of the Council and Executive Member for Policy, Strategy and Partnerships
Lead director: Director of Governance and Monitoring Officer
Contact: Bryn Roberts, Director of Governance (Monitoring Officer) Email: Email:
Consultation process
Consultation has been undertaken with the
leaders of the three political Groups of the Council.
Equality Impact Assessment Completed?: N/A
Agenda items
- 12/09/2024 - Executive Lord Mayoralty Points Allocation 12/09/2024
- Lord Mayoralty Points Allocation