Issue - meetings

Council Tax Debt Pilot

Meeting: 19/03/2024 - Decision Session - Executive Members for Finance, Performance, Major Projects, Human Rights, Equality and Inclusion (Item 20)

20 Council Tax Debt Pilot (10:03) pdf icon PDF 586 KB

This report provides feedback from the Household Support Fund debt pilot undertaken during 2022/23. It sets out the learnings from this work along with a set of recommendations for the Executive Member to approve that will seek to support with debt issues for York residents.


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Resolved: That approval be given to:

1.   Set up a voluntary non-cost multi-agency debt group including community sector partners – to look in more detail during 2024 at all the issues raised by residents in the debt pilot.

2.   The establishment of non-cost debt surgeries at West Offices following issue of Council Tax (CT) reminders during 2024 – there is little resource for one-to-one support across the city so establishing a surgery with partners may help in dealing with a larger number of residents issues.

3.   To issue text messages to all residents getting CT reminders about continuing to pay something and inviting them to attend a debt surgery.  This is to help prevent residents getting further into arrears through the debt recovery process and provide broader advice and support.

4.   To review the wording on CT reminders and summons and pilot alternative wording to see if there is any beneficial effect. This also responds to and supports recent comments from the Poverty Truth Commission.


Reason:     In order to provide immediate support at the point a resident may fall into debt following good practice early intervention; and to help residents affected by debt and address the broader linked issues within our communities.



The Head of Customer and Exchequer Services outlined the report noting that the pilot for was for York residents with complex issues with council tax debt. He added that the council would be going back to texting residents regarding the payment of council tax debt and the team would be looking at changing the wording of the texts. The Welfare Benefits and Strategic Partnership Manager explained the ongoing work for council tax recovery in the context of its legal framework. She detailed work undertaken council teams and other partners in supporting residents and noted that there would be a council tax advisor post in place.


The Executive Member welcomed the report and commented that she was impressed by the compassionate support and multiagency work supporting council tax. She was interested to see the impact of the changing of wording on texts regarding council tax recovery and she was pleased to see the input of the Poverty Truth Commission on the pilot. She then;


Resolved: That approval be given to:

1.   Set up a voluntary non-cost multi-agency debt group including community sector partners – to look in more detail during 2024 at all the issues raised by residents in the debt pilot.

2.   The establishment of non-cost debt surgeries at West Offices following issue of Council Tax (CT) reminders during 2024 – there is little resource for one-to-one support across the city so establishing a surgery with partners may help in dealing with a larger number of residents issues.

3.   To issue text messages to all residents getting CT reminders about continuing to pay something and inviting them to attend a debt surgery.  This is to help prevent residents getting further into arrears through the debt recovery process and provide broader advice and support.

4.   To review the wording on CT reminders and summons and pilot alternative wording to see if there is any beneficial effect. This also responds to and supports recent comments from the Poverty Truth Commission.


Reason:     In order to provide immediate support at the point a resident may fall into debt following good practice early intervention; and to help residents affected by debt and address the broader linked issues within our communities.



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