Agenda item

Review of Demographics for York Primary Schools

This report presents the draft final report arising from the Demographics Review (shown at Appendix 1), and asks Members to agree any revisions required to it, and identify any appropriate recommendations arising from the review in relation to the second objective i.e. ‘To identify whether the current School Travel Policies are fair and appropriate given the changing demographics’.



The Committee considered the draft final report of the Demographics Review which presented them with the information gathered in support of the review and the Committee’s findings and recommendations. Members were asked to agree any revisions required to it and identify any appropriate recommendations arising from the review in relation to the second objective (to identify whether the current school travel policies are fair and appropriate given the changing demographics)


Members agreed that in relation to Objective A (whether the oversubscription criteria in use in York’s community and voluntary controlled schools  is made up of the right priorities, and in the right order), the oversubscription criteria was correct and should therefore remain unchanged.


Members then looked at objective B and considered additional information which had been requested at the last meeting, namely some feedback from East Riding of Yorkshire Council on their previous withdrawal of denominational transport (annex F) and a breakdown (into primary and secondary school and by transport type, on a year by year basis) of potential savings that could be made if a decision was taken to carry out a phased withdrawal of free denominational transport,(annex G)


In relation to the potential savings, Members asked for clarification on the date given in the tables when the change would come into force. Officers explained that it was not possible to withdraw travel before this date due to the need to consult on the change. Officers explained that North Yorkshire County Council had begun a phased withdrawal of free denominational transport this academic year, and were  offering affected pupils the opportunity to purchase seats on existing transport where available. 


Members agreed to recommend option 3 carry out a phased withdrawal of free denominational transport but charge concessionary fares to those currently receiving free transport on that basis. The Committee agreed to recommend that the Local Authority support affected schools with the implementation of the change in policy. 


RESOLVED:(i)   That Members comments in relation to the review’s second objective be noted and:


(a)      option 3 (to carry out a phased withdrawal of free denominational transport but charge concessionary fares to those currently receiving free transport on that basis) be recommended


(b)     it be recommended that the Local Authority works with affected schools to support them during the implementation of the change in policy.


                       (ii)  That paragraphs 45 and 47 of the draft final report be updated and delegation be given to the Chair to sign off the final report. 


REASON:     In order to conclude the review in line with scrutiny procedure and protocols.


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