
Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
York Station Gateway – Design Changes, Bus Stops and Materiality ref: 718928/06/202428/06/2024Not for call-in
Parish Council Double Taxation Payment 2023/2024 ref: 718806/06/202406/06/2024Not for call-in
Consideration of results received from the consultation to extend R23 Residents Parking Zone to include Government House Road and a decision to be made on implementing restrictions on Water End slip road ref: 718419/07/202427/07/2024Call-in expired
Tranby Avenue Parking Problems ref: 717819/07/202427/07/2024Call-in expired
To acknowledge receipt of a petition to review road safety around Fishergate Primary School ref: 718519/07/202427/07/2024Call-in expired
Tadcaster Road Parking Bays ref: 718019/07/202427/07/2024Call-in expired
Review of CYC Pavement café licensing process and guidance ref: 718219/07/202427/07/2024Call-in expired
Response to the Petitions to Resurface Foxwood Lane and Corlett Court ref: 718119/07/202427/07/2024Call-in expired
Response to the Petition entitled “Reopen The Groves Roads” ref: 718319/07/202427/07/2024Call-in expired
Petition Improving Cycling Facilities on Wentworth Road ref: 718619/07/202427/07/2024Call-in expired
To approve the ward funding decisions in the annex to this report ref: 718722/07/202422/07/2024Not for call-in
To approve the publication of the Council’s housing monitoring information at 1 April 2024 ref: 717915/07/202415/07/2024Not for call-in
Finance & performance outturn ref: 716518/07/202426/07/2024Call-in expired
Acomb Front Street – Phase 2 Update ref: 717018/07/202426/07/2024Call-in expired
Update on the Housing Delivery Programme including making strategic use of land assets ref: 717418/07/202426/07/2024Call-in expired
Council house acquisitions and disposals policy ref: 717318/07/202426/07/2024Call-in expired
Local Transport Strategy ref: 716818/07/202426/07/2024Call-in expired
Combined Authority Key Route Network ref: 716918/07/202426/07/2024Call-in expired
City of York Trading – Creation of a New Company for the Provision of Agency Workers ref: 717218/07/202426/07/2024Call-in expired
Results of Air Quality Action Plan 4 (AQAP4) Consultation ref: 717118/07/202426/07/2024Call-in expired
Capital Programme outturn ref: 716618/07/202426/07/2024Call-in expired
Treasury Management 23/24 outturn and Prudential Indicators ref: 716718/07/202426/07/2024Call-in expired
Leveraging more retrofit investment into York ref: 717718/07/202426/07/2024Call-in expired
E-petition - Releasing Section 106 Funds to Osbaldwick Sports Club ref: 717618/07/202426/07/2024Call-in expired
A York pipeline of projects for the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority ref: 716417/07/202425/07/2024Call-in expired
Corporate Improvement Action Plan ref: 716317/07/202425/07/2024Call-in expired
Contaminated Land Strategy 2024 ref: 716216/07/202416/07/2024Not for call-in


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