Issue - meetings

Tang Hall Area Asset Management Plan

Meeting: 29/07/2008 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 47)

47 Tang Hall Area Asset Management Plan pdf icon PDF 48 KB

This report asks Members to approve the Area Asset Management Plan for Tang Hall which combines the strategic direction and priorities set by the Corporate Asset Management Plan and the priorities and requirements identified in individual council service plans and by the community at a local, location specific, level. The report states options for improvement and change proposals, funding and sets out an action plan and timescales for delivery.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That the Area Asset Management Plan (AAMP) for Tang Hall be approved.


REASON:      The AAMP combines the direction, priorities and requests of the Corporate and Service Asset Management Plans, which are driven by the Corporate Strategy, with the property-related needs of the Local Tang Hall community.


Members considered a report which sought approval for the Area Asset Management Plan (AAMP) for the Tang Hall area.


The AAMP, attached as Annex A to the report, sought to combine the strategic direction and priorities set by the Council’s Corporate Asset Management Plan with the priorities and requirements to delivery local services and meet community need.  It set out options for improvement and change to local Council-owned buildings and land in the Tang Hall area, and for obtaining funding to enable these changes to happen.  It also incorporated an action plan and timescales for delivery.


In recommending approval of the AAMP, the Chair emphasised that the AAMP process was not intended to advantage one area of the City, nor offer a limitless ‘shopping list’ for the residents of the area in question.


Having noted the advice of the Shadow Executive on this item, it was


RESOLVED: That the Area Asset Management Plan (AAMP) for Tang Hall be approved.1


REASON:      The AAMP combines the direction, priorities and requests of the Corporate and Service Asset Management Plans, which are driven by the Corporate Strategy, with the property-related needs of the Local Tang Hall community.


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