Agenda item

Proposed Training and Rail Operations Centre, Leeman Road, York. (12/01176/FUL)

A major full application for the erection of a training and rail operations centre and the demolition of a trackside building. [Holgate Ward] [Site Visit]


Members considered a major full application by Network Rail for a training and rail operations centre on Leeman Road, including demolition of a trackside building.


Officers provided an update, full details of which are attached to the online agenda, but contained the following information:


·        Archaeology – Archaeology Officers support the scheme and recommended a condition  to deal with archaeology at the site.

·        Condition 7 as detailed in the report to be deleted.

·        City Development Major Project Officers had confirmed that they had no objections to the application and had provided further details of how the application would fit in with the York Central development.

·        The applicant considered that the level of cycle parking suggested would be adequate when the building is at full capacity. Cycle parking will be monitored as part of the travel plan, and this could be amplified in the condition. 

·        Tree cover - To help screen the service yard in views from Railway Terrace the applicants have agreed they can introduce some larger trees in the planting strip along the west boundary.  The trees would reach approx 6m high.  There are limits to the amount/size of trees that can be placed here due to operational constraints.

·        Appraisal paragraph 4.9 - the site is not in the Central Historic Core Conservation Area.

·        It was reported that there had been alterations to a number of the suggested conditions (further details on the Officer update attached to the online agenda).


Mr. Lee, a local resident spoke in objection to the application. He advised that residents of St. Paul’s Mews currently have views of the Station and the Minster which would be affected if the large development went ahead. He stated that residents had concerns about potential noise during the construction period and asked that a site with so much historical significance is not built upon. In general he had no problems with Network Rail’s plans, just the chosen site.


Janet O’Neil, the applicants agent spoke to advise that Network Rail are proposing an engineering and training centre, the largest in the United Kingdom. The site would provide 300 secure jobs for York and in total 400 jobs as some migration is expected from other Network Rail sites. There is a clear connection to nearby historic rail buildings in the design and although there will be some loss of open views for nearby residents, the building would not be over dominant. The applicant would adhere to any conditions and therefore impact on residents would be minimal.


Members  queried the following points:


·        Asked that condition 15d be reworded to state that only activities not audible from outside the site boundary can take place outside of permitted construction times.

·        In response to Members questions on the archaeology at the site, the applicants agent confirmed that artefacts would be incorporated into the scheme, including reclaimed stone from the roundhouse. Archaeology officers had confirmed that there would be no long term benefit to leaving the roundhouses exposed.


Members entered debate and commented that although it was disappointing that the roundhouses would not be left exposed, Archaeology officers were correct in their approach. The application was a significant development for York and a welcome boost for the local economy.


Approval was moved and seconded subject to the conditions recommended in the report and the Officer update.



RESOLVED:                That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report and the  additional or amended conditions as detailed in the Officer update (attached to the online agenda).


REASON:                     In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed above, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to design, amenity, heritage assets and highway safety. As such the proposal complies with Policies S9, GP1, HE2, and HE10 of the City of York Development Control Local Plan.













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