Register of interests

Councillor Chris Cullwick

Register of Interests

Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

1. Employment, Office, Trade, Profession or Vocation
Name of organisation and Position Spouse/Civil Partner or persons of whom you are living with
Minister of Religion C of E (retired). Occasional services - self employed None
Property management. Manage a small portfolio of properties in the York area including HMOs - self employed -
2. Sponsorship
Name of body and Position Spouse/Civil Partner or anyone with whom you are living with
York Liberal Democrats -
3. Securities
Name of body and Position Spouse/Civil Partner or person with whom you live with
None None
4. Contracts
Name of body and Position Spouse/Civil Partner or person with whom you are living with
None None
5. Land, Licences and Corporate Tenancies
Address/description of land and nature of interest in land Spouse/Civil Partner or person with whom you are living with
1 Lastingham Terrace Fishergate 1 Lastingham Terrace Fishergate
90 Hull Road 90 Hull Road
1 Temple Villas Tang Hall Lane 1 Temple Villas Tang Hall Lane
87 Huntington Road 87 Huntington Road
33 Burton Green Clifton 33 Burton Green Clifton
18 Dudley Street (owned by Niece and Nephew) 18 Dudley Street (owned by Niece and Nephew)
45 Upper Newborough Street (owned by Niece and Nephew) 45 Upper Newborough Street (owned by Niece and Nephew)
30 Hawthorn Spinney, Huntington (owned as mother's Executor) 30 Hawthorn Spinney, Huntington (owned as mother's Executor)
33 Upper Newborough Street (owned by Niece and Nephew) 33 Upper Newborough Street (owned by Niece and Nephew)

Other Interests

6. Membership of Other Bodies
Name of Body and Position Other relevant disclosable interests relating to your family
Chaplain and honorary member of a number of York Guilds Gild of Freemen Guild of Scriveners and Guild of Building -
Member of Company of Merchant Adventurers -
Liberal Democrats -
7. Disclosure of Gifts and Hospitality which exceed £25
Date of receipt of Gift/Hospitality and Name of Donor Reason and Nature of Gift/Hospitality
None -


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