ePetition details

Osbaldwick Sports Club s106 Funding.

We the undersigned petition the council to release the £10,986 s106 funds allocated to Osbaldwick Sports Club. We the undersigned call upon the City of York Council to release the s106 funds that have been allocated to Osbaldwick Sports Club from local developments (Derwenthorpe and Burnholme) and are currently stuck within the log jam of planning gain funds that CYC currently hold from developments all over the city that now totals over £10million of accumulated funds. We would also lobby for a further allocation, for the Osbaldwick Sports Club, from the potentially available £45,000 from the Burnholme housing scheme from the Derwenthorpe Phase Five s106 agreement. To date after many years of discussions between the Sports Club facilitated by Councillor Warters and various officials at CYC no progress has been made in getting the funds passed over.

Osbaldwick Sports Club is a successful, volunteer run organisation that is attracting increasing numbers of children, recently formed have been four new junior football teams and three junior cricket teams to add to the adult teams.

Storage space for equipment and additional changing facilities for the girls football team are urgently needed and this petition is a way of trying to get City of York Council moving with releasing funds to the club so essential improvements can take place.

Please sign the petition if you value the work Osbaldwick Sports Club carries out.

This ePetition ran from 18/08/2023 to 13/10/2023 and has now finished.

125 people signed this ePetition.


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