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Register of interests
Register of interests
Councillor Conrad Whitcroft
This register of interests was published on Wednesday, 27 December 2023, 8.35 am.
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Register of Interests
Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
1. Employment, Office, Trade, Profession or Vocation
Name of organisation and Position
Spouse/Civil Partner or persons of whom you are living with
Propositions and Development Manager employed by Aviva
2. Sponsorship
Name of body and Position
Spouse/Civil Partner or anyone with whom you are living with
The Labour Party
3. Securities
Name of body and Position
Spouse/Civil Partner or person with whom you live with
4. Contracts
Name of body and Position
Spouse/Civil Partner or person with whom you are living with
5. Land, Licences and Corporate Tenancies
Address/description of land and nature of interest in land
Spouse/Civil Partner or person with whom you are living with
Tennant at Flat 190, Leetham House, Leetham Lane, York YO1 7PE.
Other Interests
6. Membership of Other Bodies
Name of Body and Position
Other relevant disclosable interests relating to your family
The Labour Party
Unite the Union
The Co-operative Party
7. Disclosure of Gifts and Hospitality which exceed £25
Date of receipt of Gift/Hospitality and Name of Donor
Reason and Nature of Gift/Hospitality
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