Browse meetings

Shareholder Committee

This page lists the meetings for Shareholder Committee.

Information about Shareholder Committee



The Executive approved new governance arrangements for Council companies at its meeting in June 2016. These involved establishing a new Shareholder Committee whose terms of reference allow it to:

·       Act as owners/joint owners of the company;

·       Sign off Strategic business plans;

·       Monitor performance and financial delivery against strategic business plans;

·       Exercise decision making over reserved matters;

·       Determine the remuneration of Directors and any senior managers as identified in the specific scheme of delegation and agreeing any performance related bonus payments to staff;

·             Make recommendations to Executive for any investment in/asset transfers to or lending to companies;

·             Delegating specific functions to Officers of the Council to increase commercial flexibility.



·       The Committee is a Committee of the Executive and the same rules of procedure apply to its meetings as apply to the Executive. Voting Members therefore need to be members of the Executive.

·       In line with the arrangements for Executive meetings the Leaders of each of the opposition groups or their nominated substitute will be invited to attend meetings and be given full rights to participate in meetings although they will not be entitled to vote. An Independent Member will also be allowed to attend in the same capacity.

·       Distribution of decision making powers for companies:











Guidance Reference on City of York Council Companies as of November 2024


Teckal status



Link Officer

City of York Trading


100% CYC

Cllr Ian Cuthbertson

Cllr Jason Rose

Cllr Kallum Taylor

Head of Human Resources & Organisational Development

Make it York


100% CYC

Cllr Claire Douglas

Cllr Darryl Smalley

Strategic Services Manager



50% CYC

50% NYCC

Cllr Robert Webb

Debbie Mitchell Chief Finance Officer

Director of Governance



77.8% NYCC

22.2% CYC

Cllr Rachel Melly

Head of Service, Finance

YPO Procurement Holdings


Equal shareholding between

13 Local Authorities (c.7.7% each):

City of York Council

St Helens Borough Council

Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council

Bolton Council

Calderdale Borough Council

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

Kirklees Borough Council

Wakefield City Council

Doncaster Borough Council

Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council

North Yorkshire County Council

Rotherham Borough Council

Wigan Borough Council

Cllr Nigel Ayre

Chief Finance Officer





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