Issue - meetings

Considering the case for Additional Houses in Multiple Occupation Licensing

Meeting: 18/03/2021 - Executive (Item 115)

115 Consultation on Additional Licensing Scheme for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) pdf icon PDF 972 KB

The Interim Director of Place to present a report which seeks approval to consult on a proposal to improve the quality and energy efficiency of rented accommodation in the city by expanding the current scheme for licensing Houses in Multiple Occupation to those with 3 or 4 occupants within wards where there is most evidence of poor housing conditions and poor management.

Additional documents:


Resolved:  (i)      That approval be given to undertake a city-wide, statutory 10-week consultation on the potential designation of ta targeted Additional Licensing Scheme for HMOs with 3 or 4 occupants within the wards of Hull Road, Guildhall, Clifton, Fishergate, Heworth, Micklegate, Osbaldwick & Derwent, and Fulford & Heslington.


                   (ii)      That a further report be brought to Executive following the conclusion of the consultation, to determine whether to designate an additional licensing scheme.


Reason:     To seek to improve HMOs, thereby:

·        benefiting tenants by ensuring that homes are safe and well-managed;

·         creating a level playing field for landords / agents;

·         supporting stakeholders such as the Fire and Rescue Service, Police and NHS by improving fire safety and security and reducing the number of unhealthy homes;

·         supporting universities and other educational institutions in attracting students;

·         supporting the wider city businesses and residents by providing well-managed and sustainable housing.


The Interim Director of Place presented a report which sought approval to consult on a proposed expansion of the current scheme for licensing Houses in Multiple Occupation to those with 3 or 4 occupants within wards where there was most evidence of poor housing conditions and poor management.  The Housing & Safer Communities Scrutiny Committee had considered the report on 16 February 2021, and supported the proposal to consult.


Under the Housing Act 2004, councils had powers to tackle poor quality HMOs with 5 or more occupants through mandatory licensing and, subject to consultation, to extend the licensing scheme to HMOs with 3 or 4 occupants.  In accordance with the Council Plan 2019-23, work had been undertaken to investigate the case for extending the scheme, and the results were summarised in the report and set out in Annex 1. Two options were available:

Option 1 – decide there is insufficient evidence, and continue with the current approach.  Not recommended, in view of the strong evidence set out in the report and annex.

Option 2 – ask officers to undertake the required statutory consultation, as recommended.


In response to comments made under Public Participation on this item, the Executive Member for Housing & Safer Communities noted the time taken to reach this stage was due to the need for a strong evidence base. She thanked officers for their work on this.


Resolved:  (i)      That approval be given to undertake a city-wide, statutory 10-week consultation on the potential designation of targeted Additional Licensing Scheme for HMOs with 3 or 4 occupants within the wards of Hull Road, Guildhall, Clifton, Fishergate, Heworth, Micklegate, Osbaldwick & Derwent, and Fulford & Heslington.


                   (ii)      That a further report be brought to Executive following the conclusion of the consultation, to determine whether to designate an additional licensing scheme.


Reason:     To seek to improve HMOs, thereby:

·        benefiting tenants by ensuring that homes are safe and well-managed;

·         creating a level playing field for landords / agents;

·         supporting stakeholders such as the Fire and Rescue Service, Police and NHS by improving fire safety and security and reducing the number of unhealthy homes;

·         supporting universities and other educational institutions in attracting students;

·         supporting the wider city businesses and residents by providing well-managed and sustainable housing.


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