Issue - meetings
Progress Report: City of York Trading Limited
Meeting: 24/09/2015 - Executive (Item 54)
54 Progress Report: City of York Trading Ltd (Updated Report) PDF 181 KB
This report was presented to the Executive on 27 August 2015 with an update on the progress of City of York Trading Ltd (CYT Ltd), the council’s trading organisation for council services. Executive Members agreed to defer the report pending a review of governance arrangements by Group Leaders and this report has now been updated to cover the issues raised.
Additional documents:
- Annex Shareholders Agreement City of York Council 2015, item 54
PDF 250 KB
- SCHEDULE 43, item 54
Resolved: That the Executive agree to:
(i) The changes to the Shareholder Agreement.
(ii) Note the progress and growth made to date by City of York Trading Ltd (CYT).
(iii) Support the further development of the business including business cases for those areas identified in this report.
(iv) Publish all future shareholder committee minutes on the CYC/CYT websites.
(v) Provide an annual report to the Executive on the company performance and operation of the shareholder committee.
(vi) Appoint an additional external non-executive Director onto the Board of Directors.
(vii) Appoint an additional Councillor onto the Board of Directors.
Reason: To ensure Executive members understand the governance and progress of the council’s Trading Company, and are involved in setting the direction of the future business.
Consideration was given to a report, which had previously been presented to Members at their 27 August meeting, providing an update on progress of the City of York Trading Ltd (CYT Ltd), the Councils trading organisation for Council services. Members had been asked to agree changes to the Shareholder Agreement and support the company’s direction of travel and business development. The decision had however been deferred pending a review of the governance arrangements by Group Leaders.
Further consideration was given to the updated report which suggested additional recommendations to improve transparency in relation to governance and the company’s key activities.
Officers highlighted the individual suggested changes to improve transparency of the company.
Members reiterated their support for the work of the trading organisation and noted the reference, by the earlier speaker, in relation to further consideration of remuneration by the Shareholders Board at their next meeting.
Consideration was then given to the following options:
1. Members can choose to agree or to disagree with the changes to the Shareholders Agreement as stated in recommendation a) or propose amendments.
2. There are no alternative options for recommendation b) which asks members to note the progress made by the company.
3. With regard to recommendation c) Members may consider alternative options for business development or disagree that that the business should be developed further in this way. Development of alternative proposals, as with those mentioned in paragraph 14 would be subject to Executive and CYT Board of Directors approval before any business case could be implemented.
4. Members can clearly determine whether to accept recommendations d) to h) which arise from the Group Leaders’ review.
Resolved: That the Executive agree to:
(i) The changes to the Shareholder Agreement.
(ii) Note the progress and growth made to date by City of York Trading Ltd (CYT).
(iii) Support the further development of the business including business cases for those areas identified in this report.
(iv) Publish all future shareholder committee minutes on the CYC/CYT websites.
(v) Provide an annual report to the Executive on the company performance and operation of the shareholder committee.
(vi) Appoint an additional external non-executive Director onto the Board of Directors.
(vii) Appoint an additional Councillor onto the Board of Directors. 1.
Reason: To ensure Executive members understand the governance and progress of the council’s Trading Company, and are involved in setting the direction of the future business.