Issue - meetings

Improving Movement in the City Centre and Public Realm

Meeting: 07/05/2013 - Executive (Item 135)

135 Improving Movement and Public Realm in the City Centre pdf icon PDF 209 KB

This report sets out a proposal for a trial to establish a pedestrian, public transport and cycle priority route over Lendal Bridge; commencing in August 2013. Removal of through traffic from the ‘heart of the city’ with managed access provided for essential traffic on ‘priority routes’ (in particular Lendal Bridge) offers a key transformational opportunity to maximise access for pedestrians, cyclists and buses.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED:       That Cabinet agree to:


i)             The proposal to commence a trial based on a two-way enforced restriction, on Lendal Bridge, starting in August, 7 days per week between 10:30am to 5:00pm. To receive a report considering any objections before considering any further Order to change the time period. Cost implications arising from this recommendation are £70k of capital costs to be funded from the capital programme.

ii)            Undertake consultation on the bridge trial with residents and businesses on the basis of the proposals set out in the report. Cost implications arising from this recommendation are £10k of revenue to be funded from existing public transport resources

iii)          A dedicated Project Manager appointment and authorising the setting up the multi-disciplinary ‘task group’ with a remit to design and implement a trial restriction on Lendal Bridge in August 2013. Cost implications arising from this recommendation are £50k of revenue funded from the BBAF

iv)          To additional Network Operating staff for the pilot period. Cost implications arising from this recommendation are £40k of revenue  funded from BBAF.

REASON:              i)    To provide a mandate to progressing of this important trial, demonstrate the real as opposed to modelled impacts and to test some of the mitigation proposals.

 ii) Early engagement will enable positive messages and information to be delivered ahead of the trial commencing and ensure that issues are fully captured.

iii)     The success of the trial facilitates and adds value to a number of high profile initiatives. The links and dependencies are cross directorate.   


iv)          To provide proactive management and control to optimise the operation of the traffic network and signalling systems to reduce unintended consequences and keep York moving.



Consideration was given to a report which set out a proposal for a trial to establish a pedestrian and public transport and cycle route over Lendal Bridge commencing in August 2013, operating a two-way restriction enforced by Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR).


The proposal was part of a number of key city centre improvements that would be completed over the next 2 or 3 years which, taken together, will help to improve the city’s public realm and public transport system.


Key points were outlined in the report including the economic case for investing in the city centre, past opportunities and rationalisation for improving movement and details of the Lendal Bridge trial.


The Cabinet Member advised that under the previous administration, estimates had shown that York could see a 28% increase in traffic congestion over a 15 year period. The Local Transport Plan had addressed some issues but some more radical approaches were now required to tackle the problem. Following resident consultations it was identified that reducing congestion without charging was the preferred approach. Improvements needed to be made to buses, cycling and walking routes and users needed to be taken off the roads to enable this. He referred to a scheme undertaken in Oxford in 1999 that was considered radical at the time but had since proved to be successful. He advised that a trial closure of Lendal Bridge from 10.30am to 5.30pm would give the Council the opportunity to identify any teething problems before moving to a 7am to 7pm closure.


The Chair commented that responses to the trial had varied but there was a general acceptance that this was something the Council should do.


Following further discussion it was:




RESOLVED:       That Cabinet agree to:


i)             The proposal to commence a trial based on a two-way enforced restriction, on Lendal Bridge, starting in August, 7 days per week between 10:30am to 5:00pm. To receive a report considering any objections before considering any further Order to change the time period. Cost implications arising from this recommendation are £70k of capital costs to be funded from the capital programme.1

ii)            Undertake consultation on the bridge trial with residents and businesses on the basis of the proposals set out in the report. Cost implications arising from this recommendation are £10k of revenue to be funded from existing public transport resources. 2

iii)          A dedicated Project Manager appointment and authorising the setting up the multi-disciplinary ‘task group’ with a remit to design and implement a trial restriction on Lendal Bridge in August 2013. Cost implications arising from this recommendation are £50k of revenue funded from the BBAF. 3

iv)          To additional Network Operating staff for the pilot period. Cost implications arising from this recommendation are £40k of revenue  funded from BBAF. 4

REASON:              i)    To provide a mandate to progressing of this important trial, demonstrate the real as opposed to modelled impacts and to test some of the mitigation proposals.

 ii) Early engagement will enable positive messages and information to be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 135


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