Business Intelligence Hub



Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022-2032


Performance Monitoring for November 2024 Board.

Indicator Trends – Goal 10: Reduce the proportion of adults who report feeling lonely.


Author:         CYC Business Intelligence Hub

Date:              October 2024


Goal 10: Reduce the proportion of adults who report feeling lonely. 2

Health and Wellbeing Board 2022-32 Indicators. 2

Loneliness: Percentage of adults who feel lonely often / always or some of the time. 2

Proportion of people who use services who reported that they had as much social contact as they would like. 2

Other Relevant Indicators. 4

Social isolation average score (Adult Social Care Survey) 4

Social Isolation: % of adult carers who have as much social contact as they would like. 5




Goal 10: Reduce the proportion of adults who report feeling lonely

Health and Wellbeing Board 2022-32 Indicators


Loneliness: Percentage of adults who feel lonely often / always or some of the time


This indicator is sourced from the Sport England Active Lives Survey and it is calculated as the percentage of adults (aged 16 and over) that responded to the question "How often do you feel lonely?" with "Always or often" or "Some of the time"

Currently the only published value for this indicator was for the period 2019/20.  In York 25.7% of the 16+ population said they felt lonely often / always or some of the time compared with 22.3% in England and 21.5% in the Yorkshire and Humber Region. (The York value is based on a sample of 297 residents aged 16+).


Proportion of people who use services who reported that they had as much social contact as they would like.


This indicator is part of the Adult Social Care and Outcomes Framework and is calculated as the percentage of respondents to the Adult Social Care Survey (service users) who responded to the question "Thinking about how much contact you've had with people you like, which of the following statements best describes your social situation?" with the answer "I have as much social contact as I want with people I like".


Residents aged 18+


The latest published version of the indicator for 2022-23 shows that 41.3% of service users aged 18+ in York said they had as much social contact as they would like compared with 44.4% in England and 46.3% in the Yorkshire and Humber region. (The York value is based on a sample of 1,995 service users aged 18+).

Trend data for the indicator is available going back to 2013/14.   The best (highest) value for the indicator was 49.5% in 2016/17 and the lowest value was 35.4% during the covid period of 2020/21.




Residents aged 65+


The latest published version of the indicator for 2022-23 shows that 37.4% of service users aged 65+ in York said they had as much social contact as they would like compared with 41.5% in England and 44.1% in the Yorkshire and Humber region. (The York value is based on a sample of 1,140 service users aged 65+).

Trend data for the indicator is available going back to 2014/15. The best (highest) value for the indicator was 48.7% in 2016/17 and the lowest value was 37.0% in 2018/19.



Other Relevant Indicators


Social isolation average score (Adult Social Care Survey)


This indicator is based on responses to two questions on the Adult Social Care Survey regarding social contact and how time is spent.


·         A score of 1 indicates that the respondent has plenty of social contact and that they spend their time doing things they enjoy.

·         A score of 4 indicates that the respondent feels socially isolated and that they don't feel they do little of value with their time.

A lower score is therefore desirable. The mean of all respondents' responses to both questions is presented here. It can be seen that the average score in York has improved (fallen) over the last two years.







Social Isolation: % of adult carers who have as much social contact as they would like


This indicator is part of the bi-annual Personal Social Services Survey of Adult Carers in England and is calculated as the percentage who responded to the question "Thinking about how much contact you have had with people you like, which of the following best describes your social situation?" with the answer "I have as much social contact as I want with people I like".



In 2021/22 in York, 34.4% of carers aged 18+ who responded to this question said they had as much contact as they wanted with people they liked.  This is higher (better) than the national (28.0%) and regional (31.2%) average.  There has been a downward (worsening) trend in this indicator, both locally and nationally since 2014/15.