Operational Delivery Group

DRAFT Minutes– 18th April 2024 11:00-13:00 (Online)


1.   Introductions and Apologies (Keith McNally)


In attendance:

Keith McNally – CPT/chair (KM)

Adam Jones - York Pullman (AJ)

Andy Clarke – North Yorkshire Council (AC)

Chris Mottershaw – East Riding of Yorkshire Council (CM)

Chris Thompson – Reliance (CTh)

Danielle Hudson – City of York Council (DH)

David Beer – Transport Focus (DB)

Duncan McIntyre – City of York Council (DMc)

Dwayne Wells – Arriva (DW)

Jacob Milner – Turner & Townsend (JM)

Julian Ridge – City of York Council (JR)

Kate Stapleton – North Yorkshire Council (KS)

Lara Thornton – City of York Council (LT)

Laura Wright – City of York Council (LW)

Michael Moore – First Bus (MM)

Paul Turner – Transdev (PT)

Sam Fryers – City of York Council (SFr)

Stuart Fillingham – East Yorkshire (SFi)

Tom Horner – City of York Council (TH)



Michael Howard – City of York Council (MH)

Patrick Looker – City of York Council (PL)

Richard Hampton – City of York Council (RH)

Richard Startup – York Pullman (RS)

Tom James – York Pullman (TJ)


2.   Minutes and actions from previous meeting (KM)


The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.


ACTION NE Lincolnshire – SFi to send over demand led example to SFr.


MM reported on First ‘driver refusals’ – at 41 between January 2024-March 2024, this represents 0.05% of passengers carried. DmC also reported on the Task and Finish Group that is being set up and AM reiterated that recording data from all operators is vital.


3.   BSIP Update (TH)


TH introduced himself as the new Head of Sustainable & Active Travel at CYC. He updated on capital project progress:

·        Radial bus priority schemes – WSP working on. Fulford Road: early drawings and modelling to be shared with operators soon; Heslington & Broadway being addressed next.

·        City Centre – draft designs received from WSP but needs more work and then input from operators

·        Park and Ride hubs – draft concept designs being evaluated, next step is stakeholder engagement

·        Bus stop upgrades – programme going well and phasing to be circulated soon. Works include shelter upgrades, lighting, seating, timetable cases etc. Realtime displays are working and being well received by the public, with 55% complete. Procurement will begin for the remainder.

·        Tactical small scale – would appreciate feedback from operators to tell us areas that could be improved, eg kerb lines and specific, smaller issues. First offered to ask at their upcoming Driver Day and CYC would value input from all operators. ACTION: All operators to feedback on locations which would benefit from small scale improvements.


SFr then updated on revenue project progress:

·        Young Persons – up to 19 year olds arrangements are now in place. Expenditure approx. £45k p/month, within budget but successful

·        Bus Network Review – Signed off at February’s Executive meeting, tenders will go out in the next few months and will include early morning and late evening

·        Park and Ride – final tranche of funding is going to First


4.   Operator Updates


·        Reliance & Pullman – fully staffed

·        Transdev – Coastliner has a new timetable, more punctual and going well

·        First – nearly fully staffed. Some seasonal changes summer/winter still but working to even this out

·        CPT – Route To Success programme [driver training] is going well in other regions but it seems there’s no burning need in York? CPT did offer assistance with adult education schemes once new Combined Authority comes in

·        East Yorkshire – Pocklington slightly short staffed but all else good. Employing new drivers only from September.

·        Arriva – staffing levels excellent, new 42 timetable to adjust to Naburn demand


5.   Future Planning


·        KM reminded the group that the DfT will end the £2 fare cap at the end of 2024. CPT has commissioned research & stakeholder engagement to propose a replacement.

·        TH updated on the potential impacts of the new Combined Authority – DfT expect CAs to have one BSIP for the whole area. The next BSIP update round is in June and TH is liaising with North Yorkshire Council. DB suggested speaking to other areas in the same process to get an understanding of what’s working well.


6.   Group Updates


·        EP Forum;

o   AM update on the work of the group. A Task & Finish group has been set up to ensure all accessibility issues are addressed. There will be three sessions with a strict remit & structure. AM requested more data from operators on access refusals – these need to be monitored more closely. PT asked how best to improve reporting; AM said that data shared must be done so with purpose. PT said that the data being requested is similar to other local authority requests. In response to one operator raising concerns over data sharing, KM reiterated that a data sharing agreement would need to be in place; JR said much of it is already in public domain via statutory reporting. WYCA have a good format. TH will look at producing a report in time for the next EP Forum in May but still needs to identify any data gaps.

o   ACTION: CYC to share an example of a data sharing agreement.

o   The next in the series of accessibility days will be planned soon

o   There was a request to improve notification posters and temporary stops; this has been addressed by funding request.


·        Performance Group

o   SFr

o   By and large, good – some issues at the hospital still, but it is a quiet time of year.

o   Queen Street Bridge closure – TH thanked all operators for their work and support during the two weekend closures


·        Ticketing Group

o   Formal approval for the All York Family ticket is in place and working well.

o   NHS discount for hospital staff has been approved

o   19-25 year olds being worked on next

o   Visit York Smartcards – ongoing discussions


·        Marketing Group

o   LT reported on the work of the group, including appointment of agency Bright Sparks and a session to which all operators are encouraged to attend in person, on 9 May.

o   We continue to publicise the BSIP ticketing offers, including directly into York College and other education sites; libraries, and via paid-for advertising in local and regional titles

o   DMc updated the group on the Passenger Charter work, which needs to make commitments to passengers and ensure these can be delivered. DB offered experience from Transport Focus


·        Infrastructure Group

o   TH reported in item 3 above

o   The JCDecaux contract renewal was being discussed at Exec the same day as this meeting was held.


·        Passenger Liaison Group

o   Engagement and feedback was received in January, with operators offering support on accessibility standards

o   ACTION: CYC to report back to ODG with a clear allocation of responsibilities for each group within the EP governance structure.


7.   Major Schemes


·        TH thanked all operators for their support during the significant project to remove the Queen Street Bridge at York Station. If anyone has any suggestions or feedback on the works, please send to TH

·        Outer Ring Road – has planning permission now, and once complete will help alleviate the issues faced by the city centre

·        JR updated on York’s Local Transport Strategy, that the policies put to Executive in March were approved and an instruction to write the strategy received. LTS will include relevant BSIP projects, A draft strategy will go to Exec in June


8.   Funding Requests

·        Approve £250K from BSIP ticketing revenue to deliver discount all York family day ticket from start of Easter holidays to end of summer holidays.- Unanimously Approved

·        Approve £100k from BSIP ticketing revenue to deliver extension of YILTS scheme to 19-25 age group.- Unanimously Approved

·        Approve £85k from BSIP network support revenue to continue funding de minimis journeys on services 1, 4, 6 and 10 until 31/3/25 (except for Sunday late evening trips on service 1).– Unanimously Approved

·        Approve £21k from BSIP behaviour change revenue to deliver iTravelYork events, resources and travel advice during 2024/25 Q1/Q2.Unanimously Approved

·        Approve £10k BSIP capital from Bus Stop Upgrades budget for a comprehensive citywide refresh and relabelling of bus stop flags.Unanimously Approved

·        Approve £40k from BSIP behaviour change revenue to deliver expanded £1 fare for York Hospital staff from 5th May until end of December 2024. – question over reimbursement issue, for SFr to respond to. Approved subject to agreement on reimbursement


9.   BSIP3

·        Additional funding has been offered by DfT following the cancellation of the northern leg of HS2, totalling £1.15m, all revenue funding. There was one question over the level of Park and Ride funding.

·        ACTION: All operators to share any objections to the proposed funding allocations with CYC as soon as possible.


10.        Amendments to EP Plan and Scheme

·        SFr advised that schedule 5 will be incorporated into the main scheme at the request of DfT.

·        All amendments approved.


11.        Realtime contributions

·        Combined contributions reach £50k. SFr asked for POs if needed.

·        ACTION: All operators to provide PO for requested amounts, unless they are able to pay invoices without a PO.


12.        Agree future meeting dates, times, and locations:

o   18th July 2024 11:00 – 13:00 (In person at West Offices, York)

o   17th October 2024 11:00 – 13:00 (Online)


13.        AOB

·        None